Friday, July 16, 2010

Trent's Journal...

September 1, 2008

We had a wonderful Labor Day weekend up in Lake Arrowhead. We went fishing and you caught a fish. You didn't want to touch it, but at least you held the line. You and Madison played, played and played some more. You two play so well together. We had a relaxing time up at the cabin, you didn't want to leave. We are so lucky to have a place to get away to for a few days. We brought your farting machine and, of course, you loved playing with it. You would hide it all over the house and wonder who was farting. Too funny!

Tomorrow you start in the 4 year old Teddy Bear class. Suzanne, Alma and Jeremiah are your teachers. You are going to learn so much and you love to learn. I can't believe next year you will be in Kindergarten, it has happened so fast.

More on another day. Love you!

Fishing at Grass Valley Lake.

Look at those huge fish in Lake Arrowhead.

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