Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Trent's Journal...

May 9, 2008
There are just so many things I want to tell you. My favorite thing to do with you right now is cuddle with you in the morning. You really aren't a morning person. You are a happy boy once you get up and know what's on tv. So, I started getting in bed with you and you slowly wake up. Sometimes you wake up on your own and you are in a much better mood, but you still want me to get in bed and snuggle. I just love it. I know it won't last forever, maybe not even until next month, but I am going to savor every second. (As I am putting this entry into the blog and you are almost 6 years old, I will have you know that you still love snuggling in the morning and at night. Daddy loves snuggling time too and of course Batman sneaks in from time to time.)
You are just so full of life and you love life. I want to give you all you deserve in life and I hope I can. I don't want to fail you, you deserve the best and I promise you I will try my best. Love you lots!
Sound asleep in your crib.
First night in your big boy bed. No more crib!
Daddy snuggling with you on Easter morning in 2009.

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