Friday, July 16, 2010

Trent's Journal...

August 24, 2008
You turned 4 year old today at 6:44 a.m. We had a great day. We had your birthday party last Saturday at Jump n' Jammin' and today we celebrated with family.
We got you a digital camera, which you love. You were given a lot of cool gifts, including a Leapster2. The start of playing video games begins. Auntie April probably got you the best gift of all a much needed farting machine. You love it and you love making Batman fart. I love hearing you laugh when you hear the fart. You have the best laugh and smile. Daddy told you your baby story this morning and you loved hearing how you were born and when you used to cry.
I can't believe you are 4 years old. The time goes by so quickly. I love you so much!
Pictures with Mommy and Daddy on the day of your birthday party.
The theme of your birthday party was Scooby Doo.
Having fun at your party.
Present time! Love the glasses!
You tried the pjs on over your clothes. Silly!
Opening presents on the day of your birthday.

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