Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Trent's Journal...

May 1, 2008 (2nd entry)
The story continues about our adventures when we brought you home from the hospital. I don’t know if I mentioned this before, but it was HOT in August. I think it was probably around 4:00 p.m. and it was still hot and our house doesn’t have air conditioning, except for 2 window units in our room and the sunroom. Even though, it had to be in the 90’s you were all bundled up, don’t ask me why. Your Dad and I were so nervous driving home with you; I don’t know why I didn’t sit in the back seat with you. I remember constantly looking back at you, you looked so tiny in your car seat. We made it home and we put you in your cradle. The cradle was made by Daddy and Uncle Scott. We put you in there and you were sound asleep. You looked so content. We were so glad to have you home, even though we were so nervous.
So, the days, weeks and months went by and we slowly got a little better at figuring out your needs. It took me awhile, but I figured out the nursing and your jaundice went away and all was good. There were times when I didn’t know what you wanted. For example, the time when I think (I was definitely suffering from sleep deprivation) I tried to nurse you for six hours straight. I don’t know why I just didn’t put a pacifier in your mouth or maybe I did. I don’t exactly remember. I do remember Tim coming home and asking what I did all day and I told him I nursed you all day because that was all you wanted to do. I also remember waking up to nurse you and watching David Letterman or Jay Leno, which I had never really watched before. There were some interesting shows on at 1 a.m. There were times when I would put you in your car seat and bring you to bed, just so you wouldn’t spit up. Your knick name back then was “Spit Up King.” You loved to spit up, thankfully you grew out of it.
We had a great time together in your first few months. I worked from home when you would sleep and we would go on errands here and there. We always found something to do. At about 8 months Grandpa Wayne started to watch you for a few hours once a week and I would go into work. You loved going to Grandpa and Grandma Wodke’s house. Grandpa loved watching you. He would take you on walks and you just loved all the attention, especially if Grandma didn’t have to go to work until noon. You loved (and still do at 3 ½) playing games and reading with Grandma.
You went to your first NASCAR race at California Speedway when you were 2 weeks old. Since you came early we already had tickets and had our friends Tom (from Connecticut) and Eric and Jen (from San Francisco) coming out for the races, so we had to go. We went to the Cup race and it had to have been the hottest day ever. You slept and slept, probably because it was so hot. We stayed for the most part in the air conditioned motor home. You went to the race again in February of 2005. That time it was much cooler. You had a great time and you even took a nap during the race. You were such a good boy.
You also attended your first Dodger game at about 3 weeks old. It was the end of the season and we just had to take you. I think you slept the entire time, which was fine with me. We have had season tickets since a year or two before you were born. We love going to the games and you have loved going to them too. You have had no problem making friends with the people around us at the game.
You are quite the spoiled boy because at age 3 1/2, I think you have gone to Disneyland at least a dozen times and have been to Disney World. You are one lucky boy. You have enjoyed Disneyland each time you have been and it’s a new experience each time we go. You just love it and I love taking you. We have Grandma Cindy to thank for our love of Disneyland. Grandma usually goes with us and she loves seeing the smile on your face at Disneyland. For your 3rd birthday we went with Grandma and Grandpa Wodke. They hadn’t been to Disneyland since John and Justin were little. We had a great time showing them around Disneyland.
Just one more thing before I end today’s entry. One of the main reasons I wanted to start this journal was because I wanted you to have some kind of record of your childhood. A few Sundays ago my thought of starting the journal was confirmed when we were sitting in church and out of the blue you got up on my lap and said “Thank you for playing with me, thank you for feeding me and thank you for taking me to church.” Your Dad and I just looked at eachother in amazement and then Daddy took you onto his lap and you said thank you to him. It was the most precious thing. So, I just want you to know that you make me and your Daddy so happy and we love you so much. More adventures on another day. Love you!
Finally home in your cradle made by Daddy and Uncle Scott.
All bundled up, we don't know why since it was so hot in August...first time parents.
Great Grandpa and Great Grandma Bennett. They gave you your treasured white doggy.
Great Grandma Ethel holding you for the first time.
Eric and Jen visiting for the NASCAR race.
Grandma Cindy holding you at your first Dodger game.
Sleeping in Daddy's arms at the Dodger game.
A little older and still enjoying the Dodger game.
The bouncer was one of your favorite places to sleep.
Trent's first visit to Disneyland in December of 2004.
All smiles with Grandma Jennifer.
Hanging out with Grandpa Wayne.
Having fun in the bath tub. I love your smile!
At the NASCAR race in February, 2005
A quick picture with Great Grandpa Roger at Lois' Surprise Birthday Party.

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