Thursday, July 15, 2010

Trent's Journal...

June 10, 2008
Ok, so I haven't been keeping up my end of the deal with writing this journal. I will try to do better. Not too much has been going on. We are getting ready for your Uncle Jeff, Auntie April, Zachary and Madison to move back from Omaha. Papa and Daddy are going out to Omaha to help them drive back. They hope to be back in time for dinner on Saturday night. If your Dad has anything to do with it they will be. Father's Day is on Sunday and we hope to have everyone home in California. We got Daddy a digital camera, so now he won't have to use mine on his bike rides.
Your school year in the Penguin class is coming to an end. You have had some great teachers, Deanna, Sylvia and Andrea. You have learned so much. You can write your name with no problem and most of the alphabet and numbers. You are such a smart boy and we are so proud of you.
You have been doing some cute things lately. I don't know where you learned it, but you love to sniff, yes sniff. I love it. I love your cute little nose all wrinkled up. You sniff and then you start laughing, which is even funnier. You are just a nutball. Tonight, when we were snuggling before you went to bed you looked over at me and said I love you. That just melts my heart. I love you too!
I am looking forward to summer. You are going to take swim lessons everyday at the YMCA in Alhambra. I am sure you are going to do so good. You have been doing so good lately in the jacuzzi. So, my hope is you will be water safe by the end of the summer. Ok, more on another day. Lots of love my boy.
One good thing about swimming in an indoor pool, no sunscreen, sun shirt or swim cap.

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