Thursday, July 15, 2010

Trent's Journal...

June 13, 2008
What a nice day we had. Daddy is still on the road back from Omaha. They are hoping to get in Saturday evening. I am sure they are going to be so tired from the long drive.
We took Grandpa Wayne and Grandma out to dinner to Casa del Rey this evening to celebrate Father's Day. They will be up at Great Grandpa Roger's this weekend, so we won't get to see them. I am so glad they got the Harley and are getting away for the weekend.
On Saturday, we have two birthday parties to go to. I am sure they will be lots of fun. The first birthday party is going to have a petting zoo, so that is sure to be fun.
You were so cute tonight when I was putting you to bed. You kept sniffing me, which is just the cutest thing and your laugh melts my heart. I love you!
You are checking out this alpaca.
Petting a cute little piggy.
Having fun as always on the tire swing.
The Reimers are almost home to Santa Clarita.
We were so excited to see everyone.
Cousins having fun in the pool on Father's Day.

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