Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July Weekend

We celebrated the holiday weekend in Lake Arrowhead. We planned to leave for the cabin on Saturday around 11ish. I wanted to sleep in and Tim wanted to get a bike ride in, so we would head up in the late morning. Trent was itching to get to the cabin, so he could play with Maddie. He loves his cousin Madison. She is so good to him and they play so well together. I was able to sleep in until 8 a.m. and Tim had a good ride, so we headed up the mountain and got up there in no time. As we were turning off highway 18 it hit me that I forgot my camera. Luckily, Tim had his so I got a few pictures, but I was looking forward to using my camera during the fireworks show.
The whole family was up there and Aunt Debbie brought a special guest, Sophia. I hadn’t told Trent that Sophia would be up there and he was so excited to see her. I don’t think Trent made it in the house to say hello to people, he went directly to the play set and stayed out there for hours. Madison, Trent and Sophia had a great time playing. Sophia definitely gave Trent a run for his money in who could be bossier. Good thing Madison was there to tell them how it would be.
We didn’t get much sleep early Sunday morning because Freddy decided to be a pain and he got his wish and was able to sleep in our room. Even though we didn’t get much sleep Tim and Trent were up early (6 a.m.) to go for their much anticipated hike to Pilot Rock. They took Freddy with them, thank goodness and set off on their adventure. Thankfully, I was able to go back to sleep and woke up feeling rested. My boys came back a few hours later and were all smiles; they had a great time on their hike. Trent is a real trooper and Tim really enjoys hiking with him. I am so glad they are able to do this and spend quality time together.
Sunday afternoon, we were treated with a visit by our friends Rod, Leah and their new addition Judah. They were on their way to visit friends in Crestline and they knew we were up at the cabin, so they came to see us. It was so nice to see them and to meet baby Judah.
As the day went on we were all looking forward to the fireworks over Lake Arrowhead. We were going back to a spot we found a few years ago. We hoped it would be as good as we remembered and better than last year’s spot. Our spot for the fireworks did not disappoint. We had a clear view of the amazing fireworks being shot off over the lake. In past years, Trent has not been a big fan of fireworks. I think age had a lot to do with it and with him almost being 6 years old he has gotten over his fear of the fireworks and the loud sounds. He was so excited to see them and said that this was the best fireworks show he has ever seen. He was all smiles. We all had a great time and it was by far the best show we have seen.
We made our way home Monday morning. We left the beautiful weather in Lake Arrowhead and as we made our way down the mountain we could see that we were going to be greeted with overcast and somewhat cooler weather. It was nice to be home and get ready for the week, but we do enjoy relaxing at the cabin.
When the 4th of July rolls around we are reminded that half the year is behind us and we have six more months to go in the year. So far, these past six months have gone by so quickly. I need to start Christmas shopping soon, I know I am crazy.
We are also reminded that we need to thank those who have fought and continue to fight for our freedom. I am lucky to live in a country where our freedom is protected on a daily basis. Thank you to all the brave soldiers who have fought to keep this country safe.
Pilot Rock in the distance. They are almost there.

Taking a much needed break.
Waiting patiently for the fireworks show to begin.
Great show!

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