Friday, February 12, 2016

The Big 4-0!!

Tim and Terra's birthday landed on a Saturday, which was perfect for their big party. We had the party at our new house, even though we weren't moved in and work was still going on...good idea, right?! It all worked out just fine and it was a great party.

How is it that 3 years have gone by?!
Terra loves Elsa, so this cute pillow with her picture on it is so perfect for her.
Trent playing Happy Birthday.
Here they come...
She loved her cowboy boots.
A funny musical card for Tim.  Trent was laughing so hard he was about to pee his pants.
This girl has her own style.
Terra loves getting a mani/pedi. She sits so still (which is unlike her) and loves to show off her nails.
This birthday girl is ready for her party.
A shared theme of Frozen and Turning 40!
First family photo at our new house.
Terra having a blast in the bouncer.
Happy Birthday to Tim and Terra
My favorite picture of the day. She loves her Daddy.

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