Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Christmas Programs

Trent performed in his first Christmas program at his school. He played his cello and did a great job. He has been playing the cello for a little over a year now and is doing so well. We are so proud of him.
 Terra wanted to have her own little photo shoot.  
 She posed herself and smiled at the camera...love it!
Pretending to be shy.
 Trent is so happy when playing music. He has a real talent for music.
 Terra having fun playing with Zach.
 Best buds!
 It was a long program.
Trent also plays the bells with the church group.
This time it was Terra's turn to perform.
My cuties!
A nutball for sure!
Papa with Terra and Zinnia.
Terra with her Penguin class.
She was a little slow to warm up to performing, but she eventually came around.
Love this and our spunky Terra.

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