Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Halloween fell on a Saturday this year and Trent was so excited about that. He knew he could stay up late and party, which is what he did. Todd and Ashley had their annual Halloween party, which was a lot of fun. The Halloween festivities started on Friday at Terra's school. They had a costume parade and then we went trick-or-treating to a few local businesses.
 Elsa Terra as she calls herself. Terra loved her dress, she still wears it at least once a week.
 So pretty!
 On our way into preschool.
 Two Elsas...not too sure if Terra likes that.
 Zinnia as a tiger
 Terra walking the loop to show off her costume.
 Scott with the two cuties.
 The Penguin class singing a few songs for the parents.
 Terra loved trick-or-treating...she didn't know what to make of getting candy handed to her.
After a long debate about what Trent was going to be for Halloween he finally decided on a Cowboy Ghost...anything that he could have a gun with. I voted for a whoppie cushion, but he was too cool for that.
 Terra doing her Elsa hands.
Tim came up with the costume idea of being Todd and Ashley...they were totally fine with us dressing up as them. Tim was a really good Todd.
 "Uncle Todd" and Elsa
This was the first time in 11 years that we didn't trick-or-treat on Coolidge Drive. The kids had fun running around the streets of Temple City.

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