Tuesday, February 23, 2016


This Christmas was so fun with Terra, she "got" Christmas. She was all about Santa and if she was going to be on the Nice or Naughty list. She liked our elf Alvin and enjoyed looking for him each morning. We would tell her Alvin was watching her and she should be a good girl if she wanted Santa to visit our house.
 As always, we had a great Christmas Eve at Tim's parents house. Terra was in her Elsa dress (a gift from Uncle Jeff and Auntie) which lite up and played music.  She loved it! Terra has recently taken to calling herself Elsa Terra and prefers others to call her that too.
 Lots of presents for everyone!
 Zinnia showing off her new legos set.
 Trent liking his new chemistry set.
 Oh Madison, looking pretty as usual.
 What did Trent get...a cool telescope that he can use out on his deck.
 Christmas morning...look at all the goodies Santa brought.
 Santa and his reindeers enjoyed the snacks and wrote a nice note to the kids.
 Here my cuties come...
 Love how excited Terra is.
 Trent sees something he likes.
The Fitbit he asked for.
 Finally a SNACKEZZ!!
 Terra got her dog and cat...stuffed, not real!!
 Daddy putting together Doc's mobile clinic.
 Not sure when he grew up, but he looks so old here.
 And then we have this one who didn't give me one cute smile.
Life is definitely a lot sillier with her.

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