Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Oh Terra!

In September, Terra started going to preschool five days a week...she needed a little more consistency going to school and how she should behavior at school. She is loving school and her behavior has gotten much better...she still has her days.
 Having fun during science.
 You want me to touch that?!
Such a princess!
Cutie in sunglasses
Terra came home from school with her hair like this, so cute. She now insists on a regular basis to put her hair in a ponytail.
Having fun at the Kidspace Fall Festival.
Sometimes it rains and this is how we past the time waiting for Trent to get out of swim practice.
And sometimes the weather is just right and playing in the park is a better way to past the time during swim practice.
No fear!
Jake also prefers the park to running errands or sitting in the car.

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