Saturday, December 3, 2011

A relaxing Thanksgiving and long weekend

We could not have asked for a better holiday and long weekend.  The weather was a bit warm for my liking; I miss the fall weather in Connecticut. I couldn't complain though because the warm weather meant we were heading out to Oxnard to spend a few days. 
We spent Thanksgiving Day with my family at my parents house.  My Mom kept it simple this year because she knew she wouldn't be up for cooking Thanksgiving dinner with having chemo just two days before.  So, we ordered up a yummy dinner from Honeybaked Ham and enjoyed. When we got home that evening Tim and I both felt sick because we had eaten too much. I think that means the food was delicious.
A few pictures from Thanksgiving Day.
 Cute little smirk.
 My boys!
 My sweet boy.
We slept in a bit on Friday morning and then headed out to Oxnard. The weather was beautiful there, blue clear skies as far as you could see.  My parents were joining us for the weekend and they arrived just a bit after us.  This would be the first year in about ten years that we didn't go up to Arrowhead after Thanksgiving. Tim's parents, his middle brother and family were in Italy and Tim's youngest brother Scott and his wife Fiona were up in Arrowhead.  The days before Thanksgiving we were going back and forth about where to spend the weekend...Oxnard or Arrowhead (tough decision I know).  Scott and Fiona were going up to Arrowhead and although we wanted to spend time with them we didn't want to deal with the snow from the past storm the weekend before and I was nervous that the altitude would make my Mom sick and if she got sick it wasn't an easy drive down the mountain.  So, we decided on Oxnard.
After we all unpacked and got settled Tim, my Dad and Trent went out searching for information on how to visit the Channel Islands.  They came back and had lots of information about the islands. We could visit the smallest of the islands Anacapa or Santa Cruz Island. Anacapa Island is a small volcanic island located about 11 miles off the coast of Port Hueneme in Ventura County. The island is made up of a series of narrow islets six miles long and five miles east of Santa Cruz Island. The island is known for having many different species of birds.  The problem with the island is that there are hardly any trees, which means not a lot of shade.  That wasn't too appealing to me and my Mom, so we voted for going to Santa Cruz Island.
Saturday morning my Dad made a yummy breakfast and then we headed out to catch the ferry to Santa Cruz Island.  We all put on our seasickness bands and took some dramamine and enjoyed the beautiful view on the way over to Santa Cruz Island. I was so glad we didn't get sick on the hour long boat ride. 
Sea lions enjoying the sun. 
 Anacapa Island
I could not believe how nice the weather was on Santa Cruz Island.  It was probably about 75 degrees and the ocean was a beautiful shade of blue.  We weren't dressed for the warm weather, but we managed.
The coastline of Santa Cruz Island.
Trent ready to start the adventure.
 My parents with Tim and Trent.
Santa Cruz Island was the largest privately owned island off the continental United States, but is currently part-owned by the National Park service and the Nature ConservancyThe island is 22 miles long and from 2 to 6 miles wide. The coastline has steep cliffs, gigantic sea cavescoves and sandy beaches. Up until 1984 the east end of the island was used for sheep ranching.
There was a guide from the National Park Service that told us about the island, which Trent loved hearing about.  Trent also loved talking to the guide about the hikes he has been on.
 Trent talking with the guide.
 Tim under a huge eucaplytus.
 Trent hiking up the side of the hill.
 Gorgeous view.
 My parents enjoying the walk on the island.
Me and my Mom. 
We walked along with the guide and group for awhile and then we stopped and had lunch. After lunch Tim and Trent went to catch up with the guide and group and my parents and I stayed on the flat ground and explored the island.
Tim and Trent on the sea cliffs.  What a view!
Heading back down the hill.
While Tim and Trent hiked up and around the sea cliffs my parents and I wandered around the island.  There are two well kept campgrounds, which I am sure we will camp at one day.  Since the island was used for ranching there is still machinery and tools laying around.  There are 24 hour park rangers at the island and their housing is located about a 1/4 mile off the coast.  We enjoyed sitting on a bench on the beach for a good hour or so.  I had my eye on the hill where Tim and Trent would be coming down and just enjoyed the view of the ocean.  It was so peaceful and relaxing.
 There they are!

Once down the hill Trent enjoyed throwing rocks and playing on the shore.
 My parents enjoying the view.
Before we headed too far off the coast of Santa Cruz Island the captain took us by a cave where water sprays out.  It was pretty cool.

The boat ride home was a bit chillier than on the way over.  Just before we docked we got to see a beautiful sunset.

We were all starving and headed to Toppers Pizza, which we heard has great pizza.  It did not disappoint and we all ate up two large pizzas in no time.  After our long day, we all headed to bed pretty early.  
On Sunday morning, we went to breakfast and then my parents headed on home. I cleaned the house while Tim and Trent went fishing for a bit. They didn't catch anything, but had fun.

It was a great Thanksgiving and long weekend. I am so thankful for my family and the time we get to spend together.

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