Sunday, November 20, 2011

Tim's Birthday Weekend!

We started off celebrating Tim's birthday with dinner at Shogun with my parents. My parents had never been to Shogun and I knew Trent would love it, so it would be a great place to have dinner. We had so much fun at dinner. The chef had Trent laughing so hard with his silly jokes and had him a bit scared with the fire on the grill. The food was good and the company was great.
Tim has his birthday hat on! 
Happy Birthday Tim!
On Sunday evening, Tim's grandparents Henry and Ethel and Scott and Fiona came over to our house and we continued celebrating Tim's birthday with chicken pot pies and razzleberry pie. The highlight of the night was Tim and Trent playing a trick on Great Grandpa Henry.  

Trent could barely get through the trick without laughing.  Thankfully, the trick worked and no water spilled onto Henry's head.
Monday, was Tim's actually birthday and I had Sprinkles cupcakes sent to his office.  Tim and his coworkers enjoyed the sweet treats.

We had a great weekend celebrating Tim and what a wonderful man he is.  Love you Tim!

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