Friday, December 23, 2011

A quick trip to San Francisco

We had a whirlwind of a trip up to San Francisco last weekend.  We left our house at 12:30 on Friday afternoon, got up to San Francisco around 7:30 and were back on the road home Saturday afternoon around 2:30.  The reason for our trip was to be at the baptism of our good friends Eric and Jen's twin boys.  We were asked to be godparents to Sam and couldn't wait to be apart of the baptism.
When we arrived at Eric and Jen's on Friday evening all was quiet in their house.  The twins were fast asleep and Jen was putting Luca to bed.  Luca didn't know Trent was coming to visit, so when we popped our heads in to say goodnight to Luca, Luca was quite surprised and wasn't going to bed until he played with Trent.  The boys played beyblades and soon the twins woke up too.  So, in less than 30 minutes we had created completed chaos in the house.  I have to say I was happy the twins woke up because I got to cuddle with them.  They are just so cute.  After we had created enough havoc in their quiet house, we headed to the hotel to get a good night sleep.
The next morning, we had a delicious breakfast and then headed off to the baptism.  The baptism went really well.  The boys did so good (even Luca and Trent).
Me and Trent with Sam.
Sam getting his blessing.
 Matteo's turn. 
 Eric, Tim and Sam.
 Tim trying to make Sam smile...what a cutie pie.
Tim and I with our godson Sam.
After the baptism we went back to house for lunch.  Jen's Mom made delicious homemade good!  The kids played beyblades, baseball and just had a great time playing.  Every baptism needs a love a pinata and all the candy that falls out of it.
Trent is very serious when it comes to getting candy out of a pinata.
 Luca's turn...he has a great swing.
 One last picture before we leave...Tim and Matteo.
Tim and I are so honored to be godparents to Sam.  We are looking forward to watching Luca, Sam and Matteo grow up and to be apart of their lives.

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