Thursday, December 2, 2010


  How did Thanksgiving get here so fast?  I really think that once you have children the years just fly by and you are just running to catch up and wishing you could slow down time.  Since we moved back from Connecticut our tradition for Thanksgiving and the holiday weekend has been to go to church in the morning, then spend the day with my family and in the evening head up to the cabin in Lake Arrowhead and spend the weekend with Tim's family.  One change this year was there was no church service on Thanksgiving, so Tim got to go for a nice long bike ride and Trent and I got to sleep in.  The weather was perfect mid-70's, not too warm like it has been in past years.  When Thanksgiving rolls around I want the weather to feel like fall, that's one thing I miss about Connecticut, the crisp fall weather.
  In the early afternoon, we headed over to my parents for the Thanksgiving feast my Mom had prepared.  My Mom loves to cook, so it's always a good meal. We took some family pictures, relaxed and ate and ate and ate some more. After enjoying the day at my parents house, we headed up to the cabin.  We were greeted with below 40 degree temperatures, but a very toasty cabin.
April and I decided we wanted to do some midnight Black Friday shopping, so around 11 p.m. we headed down the mountain to Redlands, where we would find the longest lines ever at Target, Toys-R-Us and Walmart.  The lines were around the buildings and we decided we just couldn't wait in the cold in those long of lines.  The deals weren't that great.  So, we were back in our cozy beds by 1:00 a.m.
  The rest of the weekend flew by.  We relaxed, shopped in the village, read, played Band and DJ Hero, my boys and Tim's parents went on the long hike, slept in and just enjoyed the family time.  We woke up Sunday morning to a dusting of snow, which made the kids so happy.  There wasn't enough snow for sledding, but there was plenty for a fun snowball fight...the kids vs. the adults.  After the friendly snowball fight we headed home.  All in all we had a great Thanksgiving weekend.  I am so thankful for our families and all the joy they bring into our lives. 

A few pictures before heading over to my parents house.

Crazy silly faces!
Big smiles from my boys.
More pictures at my parents house.
Trent giving Great Grandpa a big hug!  So cute!
My Mom and I.
Trent rocking the wig!
Having fun singing.
Trent was much better at singing than me.
April and I always have to visit the Coach store while we are in Arrowhead.
The hikers.
Snowball fight!
Tim very serious about throwing snowballs.
Beautiful scenery on the way down the mountain.  Tim took a picture of me taking pictures.
Just gorgeous!
Two nutballs looking forward to getting home.

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