Monday, December 20, 2010

The Three Kings

Wow, Trent has come a long way when it comes to performing in the church Christmas program.  Just a few short years ago he was crying when he had to step up on to that intimating stage in front of all those people.  Trent has always liked to "put on a show" but it had to be on his terms and usually it's a spur of the moment show.  On Sunday, he did great as he played one of the three kings.  All three kings remembered all their lines and did a great job.  They had been practicing for a few weeks and it all come together really well.  Tim and I could not be any prouder of Trent.  He just keeps surprising us with all that he is capable of.
The Three Kings...
Trent doing a great job speaking his lines.
He has the best looks.

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