Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Eve

Since Tim was born and before that Christmas Eve was celebrated at Tim's grandparents, Henry and Ethel's house; it was a long family tradition.  This year since Ethel had open heart surgery on December 1st and was recovering at Tim's parents house, Christmas Eve would be celebrated there.  It was going to be quite a change.  We usually all gather in Henry and Ethel's living room with the presents overflowing out of the room.  We have to strategically maneuver to a seat and try not step on a present or a person.  It's a bit crowded with 18 or so adults and 7 kids, but we all manage to unwrap gifts and have a good time.  This year at Tim's parents house there would be more room, but would it have the same magic as Henry and Ethel's house?  There is something about their house on the hill in Highland Park that's magical.  Maybe that the decor hasn't changed a bit from when Tim's Mom was a kid or that the house has decades of memories inside.
So, 4:00 p.m. rolled around and we headed a few blocks to Tim's parents house to celebrate Christmas Eve.  As I walked in the door I could see all the presents, they weren't overflowing out of the room like at Henry and Ethel's, but there were a lot of presents to be opened.  People soon started to arrive and the festivities began.  Trent was so excited to play Santa and hand out gifts.  I was so happy to see him get such great joy out of handing someone a present, rather than asking where his presents were.  He handed out so many presents before he opened one for himself.  Such a good boy.  Trent got so many great gifts.  We are so blessed to have such a generous and thoughtful family.  It was a great Christmas Eve and magical in a different way.
A few pictures before heading over to Tim's parents house.
Let the chaos begin.
All smiles!
Trent snuggling up in his new Batman quilt, thanks Grandma Cindy.
Awesome Star Wars toys.
Henry and Ethel opening their gift...a picture of all six of their great grandkids.
Trent loved putting out the cookies and milk for Santa and then some treats for the reindeer.
Silly boy pretending to eat Santa's cookie.

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