Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Break Going Great So Far...

So far Trent and I have been having a great time this first week of break. Trent has been enjoying watching Christmas movies.  His favorites are the Home Alone movies.  He loves seeing the bad guys get tricked into one of the many traps.  Monday and Tuesday we didn't do too much.  We ran some errands, which Trent isn't a big fan.  I told him that's what Mommy's do run errands and I usually get most of my errands done while you are at school. Wednesday we headed out to Bass Pro Shop to meet up with my Aunt, cousin and her daughter.  Bass Pro Shop set up a cool Santa's Village where the kids can play games and take a picture with Santa.  The kids had fun running around, looking at all the animal displays and pretending they were driving a boat or riding a quad.  Today, we enjoyed a yummy lunch with my best friend at Casa.  Trent got his usual...corn dog and Spanish rice.  Trent is getting more excited each day for Christmas.  Of course, it can't get here soon enough.
Trent did a nice thing for me this morning.  He surprised me with making our bed.  He came into the kitchen and told me that he had made our bed and that it looked so nice.  He said he had fun making the bed and it wasn't that hard, but he didn't put the pillows the right way.  He said he wanted to do this for me, so I wouldn't have to.  How cute is that?  My heart melted.  He has been making his bed for awhile in order to get 15 more minutes of DS playing time.  So, after he told me he made our bed I told him he could get 15 more minutes of DS playing time, he just looked at me and had the biggest smile.  I loved that he didn't ask for the extra playing time and truly made our bed because he wanted to do something nice.  I love that boy so much and he has such a good heart.
Here are some pictures from our adventure at Bass Pro Shop.
Trent's favorite game...the shooting gallery.
Checking out the cool trains.
The kids with Santa.
Cutie pies.
Grandmas with their grandkids.
Trent's way of making our's the thought that counts.

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