Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Break is Approaching Too Quick

Seriously, I am not sure if I am ready for Trent's Christmas Break to start this Friday at 11:45 a.m.  It has only been three weeks since Trent went back to school after his Thanksgiving break.  I am looking forward to having this time off with him, but let's hope I still have some patience by day two.  I love my little boy, but he can be exhausting.  I am hoping he remembers pretty quickly what sleeping in is and we can do a little of that.  I don't have too much planned yet. He has already asked to go to Disneyland and I was hoping to do that on Friday after he gets out of school, but the forecast is predicting rain, so maybe we can go on Monday.  I am pretty sure whatever we do this break we will have a good time and make some great memories.

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