Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Oh sweet Terra

Our little Terra is 21 months old, oh my where has the time gone?! I can't believe 2 is right around the corner. She is becoming much more verbal.  Just yesterday she pointed to a car and said, "red" and then when a zebra came on the screen she said, "zebra" clear as day. She has started to say please or in her words PUUUHHLLLEEEASSSE and usually with some sassiness. She doesn't say please always when asked, she definitely picks and chooses when to say it, a little stinker she is. She can be a stinker, but then there are times when she can be just so sweet. She recently started giving good hugs and really squeezes you.
 Terra was why not drink from Freddy's licker.
 We have since broken her of this habit.
 Terra loves taking her baby for a walk.
 Playing dress-up with her Doc McStuffins coat and cute.
 Always wanting to be like her big brother Trent.
She went through a few day phase of wanting to lay on me, which is so out of character for her.  I enjoyed it while it lasted.

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