Wednesday, August 20, 2014

A Day at the Lake

We went to Pyramid Lake a few weekends ago and oh did we have a good time. Tim and Todd went out early to ensure that we would get the pontoon on the lake and not have to wait in a long line. The rest of us made our way out there around 10. It took us a few stops to pick a good location to drop anchor, but we finally found a spot and it was a great one.
 Tim with Terra's assistance enjoyed the beer noodle pong...parents of the year award goes to me and Tim.  :)
 Jeff, April, Madison and Madison's friend Haley joined us for the day.
 Trent and Jake stayed in the water all day long.
 Terra loved the driver's seat.
 Happy as a clam.
 Cheers with Auntie.
Another great day on the lake.

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