Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Terra's Birthday Photo Shoot

Terra had her 1 year old photo shoot with Carie (Carie's amazing website) two weeks ago. Yes, Terra's birthday was in November, but we wanted to wait until Terra was consistently walking and steady on her feet. Terra wasn't feeling a 100% due to a cold, but she did her best and, of course, Carie captured Terra to a tee.
And you thought I was going to walk...
Sparkly shoes
Contemplating walking?
Love the black and white.
She finally decided to show off how good she walks.
There's the smile I love!
Come and get me Mommy!
A very serious little girl.
A shopping cart and purse, what else does a girl need?
Checking things out and probably wondering how to get over the fence.  She is quite the adventurous one.
I'm outta here!
Happy 1st Birthday Terra! 
She wasted no time digging into the cupcake. 
How am I going to get this whole cupcake in my mouth?
Digging into the frosting.
So delicious!
After the cupcake was taken away from Terra, she wasn't too happy and needed a little bit of comforting...I am always here to cuddle and comfort my little girl.

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