Friday, January 10, 2014


Christmas morning, what did Santa bring? Trent must have been a good boy in 2013 because he hit the jackpot. Santa brought Trent Skylanders Swap Force, an Etch-A-Sketch, a metal slinky, Nerf gun and some fun books...I think Santa got everything on Trent's list. Tim and I surprised Trent with George Strait's a gift for Tim and I too.
 Trent's loot.
 The note telling Trent that he is going to the George Strait concert.
 Terra's loot.
 Our loot.
 Santa and Alvin left notes for Trent and Terra.
 Christmas morning.
 Terra not sure what to make of all this.
 Trent reading the notes.
 Santa remembered his Etch-A-Sketch.
 Skylanders Swap Force
 Terra checking out her stuff.
 Trent reading his note and realizing that he is going to see George Strait.
The binder has music sheets of some of his favorite country songs and now he can learn to play them on the piano.  
 Silly Terra or maybe scary Terra.
One happy boy!
Nerf gun.
Look what Santa brought Terra. A cute pink car to drive around the neighborhood.
Terra seems to like her car.
Playing Skylanders before we leave for church.
Dressed in their Christmas best.  So cute!
Jake happy Santa brought him a Kindle Fire now they can both play Minecraft together.
Present time.
Checking out the Lego book.
Terra's turn.
She liked opening her gifts.
Terra opened and then we put together her gift from Grandma and Papa. 
She loves going in and out of her door. She rings the doorbell, puts the mail in the slot and pushes buttons to play music.
Great Grandma Ethel playing with Terra...priceless.
Our pretty Christmas tree.  Trent was so thankful that we got a big tree this year, even if we had to barricade it behind the couches away from Terra.
 The day after Christmas Trent spent a good portion of the day playing Skylanders.
 Terra had fun playing in her car.
Terra's smile says it all...we had a great Christmas.

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