Saturday, January 18, 2014

Citizen of the Month

Trent received the Citizen of the Month award for the character trait of Loyalty at Friday's chapel. Trent didn't know we would be there and was so excited to see us. Of course, when he saw us he knew he was getting an award. Principal Bugbee read what Trent's teacher Miss Free had to say about Trent and loyalty. "Trent, your fellow students said you were a loyal friend to them. When they need a friend, you are there.  They also said you walk away from conflicts, but offer to help them through these difficult situations.  Most importantly, they said you were nice and caring when they were upset because you love the Lord. Your actions demonstrate not only a loyalty to your friends, but to God.  I'm blessed to have you as a student and see your relationship with Jesus lived out in your daily life. Love, Miss Free" I was so taken aback, such sweet words. We are so proud of Trent.
 Principal Bugbee reading what Miss Free wrote.
My perfect photo opp and Trent has a funny look...bummer.
He is so happy and we are so happy for him and his achievement.
Taking our turn posing with our Citizen of the Month.
Trent's good friend Phillip also got an award for the character trait of Thoroughness.  
Good job boys!

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