Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is always a fun night at Tim's parents house. The night can be chaotic, but a good time is always had by all. Trent was looking forward to the night all day, to him I think the day crawled by. 5:00 p.m. finally came and it was time to celebrate.
 Terra looking cute in her Santa outfit.
 On the move...
 Sitting still for a split second.
One happy girl.
Daddy and Terra
Mommy and Terra
Christmas Eve cuties!
I took at least 10 pictures of these two and Terra never once looked at the camera...this was the best I could get.
Terra with Allison and Rocco
Terra with Allison and Sophia...pretty girls.
Great Grandkids with their Great Grandparents Ethel and Henry.
Love Terra checking Zach out.
Madison is so good with Terra. Terra loved opening her gifts.
Trent helping out too.
Terra with the help of Daddy opening her gift from Papa, a basketball hoop.
Terra did really well for a few hours in the chaos, but then the meltdown started and to bed she went.
Trent opening his gift from Grandma and Papa...what could it be?
A red electric guitar and amp!
So excited!
Milk and cookies for Santa.
Domo had to make an appearance in the photo...don't ask!
By Alvin see you next year!

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