Saturday, November 30, 2013

Terra's Birthday Party

There is always so much that goes into a party...planning, an endless list of to do's and then executing the party as you have imagined it in your head. Well, I have to say I was on the fence about throwing a big party, but Tim pushed me and I am glad he did. My reluctance was the possibility of rain and having to have a back up plan, too stressful. It rained the day before the party, but thankfully on Saturday morning there was no rain, just a cloudy sky with the sun peaking through at times. The party was like I had imagined it and it was a great party and day. 
 Pretty centerpieces.
 The backyard is ready for the party.
 Craft table.
 Bounce house with slide.
 Caramel apples for our guests.
 Bun-n-burger catered the party and Terra enjoyed some hamburger and chili.
 Going down the slide with some help from Papa.
 Having fun...
 Terra is a climber. I am in trouble!
 Terra's smash cake.
 Happy Birthday to Terra!
 Terra loved her cake.
 Like I said she loved her cake.
 Getting involved in the craziness of the bounce house.
 The girls.
 Terra taking a break.
 Present time.
Birthday girl.

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