Monday, November 11, 2013

La Brea Tar Pits

Last Saturday it was beautiful out and we decided to enjoy the nice weather and go for an adventure. We decided to visit the La Brea Tar Pits. Trent hadn't been and Tim and I hadn't been in many many years, so it seemed like a good place to go.
 Checking out the tar.
 Trent and Terra ready to tour the museum.
 Getting a fill for how thick tar can be.
 Cool exhibits.
 Tim and Trent checking out the fossils.
 Trent scared of the Mammoth and Terra looking at Trent like he is nuts...and she is right!
 All the kids were rolling down the hill and Trent had to do it and loved it.
 He was just a bit dizzy afterwards.
 Terra having fun on Daddy's shoulders.
My big cute boy!
After the La Brea Tar Pits and since we were on the westside we decided to go to Century City and visit the Annenberg Space for Photography Museum.  The museum is having a National Geographic exhibit, which covers the last 125 years of photographs. The exhibit has 501 photographs and a really interesting video montage. The museum is right next to Tim's office, so we made a quick pit stop there and then enjoyed the photographs at the museum. After the museum we walked to the mall and had dinner. It turned out to be a really nice Saturday.

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