Monday, November 11, 2013

Our Hick

Yesterday afternoon we cleaned out the garage, power washed the house, cleaned up the tree house and yard a bit. After the work was done Tim wanted to go to Guitar Center. Before they left Trent was being a bit grumpy because his friend Adam wasn't home to play with. He just wanted to stay home and mope. I told him he will like Guitar Center, it's a really cool place, so why don't you put on something comfy and suggested sweats and a t-shirt. Tim then told him to get a hat on and, of course, the hat of choice was his cowboy hat. Not sure what really completes the outfit here if it's the flip flops or hat, but it's Trent being who he is and not caring what others think and that's why I love him so much.
 The outfit.
 Rockin' out!
Trent's grumpiness went away quickly once he got to playin'.

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