Monday, September 17, 2012

We are having a GIRL!

A few weeks ago it was finally confirmed that we are having a girl. We went to an imaging center where we had a 3D ultrasound done. Tim and Trent joined me as we waited to hear what we were having. My doctor had done an ultrasound at about 19 weeks and was about 80% sure we would be having a girl, but I need 100% certainty and we figured it would be a good opportunity for Trent to see the baby in my belly.
When the tech confirmed that the baby is a girl, Trent was still not convinced. We explained what you would see if it was a boy, but he still was not buying it. It wasn't until about two days later he finally came to terms that he is having a sister. He is now hoping that she will like Star Wars rather than Barbies.
Here is our baby girl!
 I think there is a little smirk there.
We can't wait to meet her!

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