Friday, September 2, 2011

Summer is almost over.

Week 12: This is our last full week of summer break before school starts. It has been a long summer, but I am so glad I was able to spend so much time with Trent and we did a lot of fun things.  This week he still had to come with me to work a few days, but he didn't mind as long as he had a movie to watch.  
On Monday, we went to work for a few hours and then Trent had a dentist appointment. He had a sealant put on his back four molars. The whole procedure took about 40 minutes and I was so proud of how well he did. It wasn't until the last tooth that I could tell he was barely holding the tears back because he was just done being still and having his mouth pried open. I treated Trent to a yummy lunch at one of our favorite burger places and he was thrilled.
Tuesday was a fun day.  We took Trent's two cousins Jake and Justin out to lunch and then went bowling.  I have to be the world's worse bowler.  All three boys beat me.  Trent calls me the "Gutter Queen" and I can't dispute it.  Oh well, at least I had fun.
In the evening, we went to the Dodger game.  The Dodgers had a few exciting plays...Ethier hit a grand slam, not too bad.  If the Dodgers didn't have Ethier or Kemp they would be in worse shape than they already are.  
Trent cheering on the Dodgers.
Then he turns nutty!
On Wednesday, we headed to the Dodger game again, this time it was a day game.  It was so hot and our seats are in the sun, so we basically just had lunch and watched a few innings.
Also on Wednesday, Trent had his first soccer practice of the season.  We are looking forward to a fun and exciting soccer season.
Thursday, we just did the usual...went to work.  Trent has been such a good boy at work. I am thankfully that I can take him to work and thankful that he is content with watching a movie or playing his DS.  I am though pretty sure that he is looking forward to going back to school next week.  He misses his friends.
On Friday, we had some errands to run in the morning and then I dropped Trent off at a playdate and I headed to Costco.  On the way to the playdate Trent said aren't you going to have fun being by yourself.  I said, no, I will miss you and I am going to go to Costco.  He let out a big sigh and said thank you for going without me and if you have to go to Kohl's too you should go while I am at my playdate.  Yep, I am pretty sure he is done with going to work with me and running errands.  Yay, for school starting next week!
We are heading out to Oxnard for the long holiday weekend. I am looking forward to the cooler weather and hopefully relaxing a bit.

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