Friday, September 9, 2011

2nd Grade!!

Trent finally started school on Wednesday.  It was bittersweet for me.  I was happy for him to start 2nd grade and to see all his friends, but I had enjoyed spending so much time with him this Summer and I knew I would miss him while he was at school.  On the first day of school, Trent was up early and was a bit nervous to go to school.  I think it was a nervous excitement.  He seemed just fine when we got into his classroom.  He let me take a few pictures, gave me a hug and we said our goodbyes. 

2:45 p.m. came at last and I picked my boy up from school.  He said he had a good day and really likes his teacher.  He really likes that she has a big teddy  bear named Cuddles.  Trent loves him some stuffed animals. We are looking forward to a great 2nd grade school year.

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