Friday, September 16, 2011

Moving right along...

We are finishing up week two of school, which has gone pretty well so far.  It seems that they are easing the kids back into the school routine. I thought Trent would have a lot of homework this week, but I was wrong...just a spelling test and bible memory verse. I am ready for the homework to begin and to get back into the swing of school. I know it is just 2nd grade, but let's get the work started.
We were still a bit busy this week. Trent is still taking piano lessons and doing so well learning his songs.  It is just amazing how quickly he picks up learning a song. I never learned how to read music, so anyone that can read music and play an instrument are just so talented and lucky to have that ability.
Tim surprised Trent by picking him up at school on Friday afternoon. Tim had been at a conference since Wednesday, so Trent was so excited to see him. We took a nice afternoon walk with Trent riding his bike around the neighborhood. I am so glad the weather is getting bit cooler.
On Saturday, we have quite the busy day ahead of us. It's opening ceremonies and picture day for soccer. Trent has his second soccer game, then we are off to a birthday party and then a surprise birthday party in the evening...I am already tired just thinking about it.

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