Saturday, September 10, 2011

Another holiday weekend spent in Oxnard.

We made our way to Oxnard last weekend.  Tim rode his bike out to Oxnard and Trent, Freddy and I took the easier way out there and drove.  We were looking forward to escaping the heat and relaxing in Oxnard.
Surprisingly, Tim beat us out there.  Unlike last time when Tim rode out to Oxnard, he didn't quite make it because he got a bit lost.  This time he stayed on the right route and had a good ride.
It was nice to be out in Oxnard.  Yes, the weather was much cooler and we were ready to get the holiday weekend started. We enjoyed the rest of Saturday with shopping, relaxing and enjoying good food and company.
Sunday morning, my parents headed up to join us for the day.  We were looking forward to taking them on a ride on the duffy boat around the harbor and showing them around the town.  
Trent driving us around the harbor.
 My parents.
 A few seals playing around.
After touring around the harbor, we had lunch and then relaxed poolside.  Before my parents headed home Fiona wanted to take a ride on the Harley.
Fiona ready to go.
 And off they go...
 Fiona enjoyed the ride on the Harley.
 My parents wanted to hit the road before it got dark.
I am so glad my parents came up to Oxnard.  It was fun to show them around and spend time with them. 
Usually on the last day of the stay we like to get home by early afternoon.  This time we enjoyed the day kayaking and relaxing poolside. The weather was gorgeous and going home to a hot house wasn't appealing.  
Kayaking around the harbor is always a must in Oxnard.
Trent being the photographer...not too bad.
Having fun playing in the pool.  I think the kids were in the pool for 4 hours...good times!
 Tim enjoying some down time.
We had a great time on Monday.  We had an impromptu bbq by the pool.  It was perfect, we ate lunch and then went right back to relaxing by the pool.  The theme of weekend was to relax and I felt that was me at least.

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