Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My Beloved Cat Batman

I am still trying to cope with the loss of my oh so loving and loved cat Batman (I am pretty sure it is going to take a long time). I think I am in shock and/or denial, but the reality of him not being with us hits me every time I walk into the house and I don't hear him crying for me or laying on the kitchen counter or on the window sill.  I have written about my two cats Batman and Princess before and how I found them abandoned on the side of the street 14 1/2 years ago. They have always been my everything, even when I married Tim and even after I had Trent.  They have always meant so much to me and I just love them so much.
So, it came as quite a shock on Wednesday night when Trent and I were reading on the couch around 6:45 and I heard Batman crying this awful cry, which usually means he is about to throw up. Even Trent knows that when he hears that awful cry that Batman is likely to throw up a gross I know, but that was my life always cleaning up after Batman.  His cry did sound a bit more distressed than usual, so I went into the dining room and he was lying on the floor panting and I went to pick him up and noticed that his hind legs were paralyzed.  I started freaking out.  The panting and crying was awful and on top of that the loss of his hind legs was overwhelming and I think I started hyperventilating and everything just started going blank.  I was yelling to Trent not to come into the dining room because I didn't want him to see Batman like that then I started telling him to call Tim.  Trent then started freaking out because he didn't want Batman to die. During those first few minutes I didn't know what to do.  Then I took some deep breaths, had Trent come into the dining room and sit with me and Batman and I called Tim.  For some reason, Tim was not on his phone and didn't see/hear the phone ring...which was just making me freak out a bit more. He finally got home about 10 minutes later and we started to discuss our options. We decided not to take Batman to the 24 hr vet because I knew (I didn't want to accept it) that there probably wasn't much they could do for him...he was 14 1/2 years old and I wasn't going to put him through test after test and I definitely wasn't going to have him go through a surgery.  I also wasn't ready to say goodbye to him that night.  I thought maybe in the morning he would miraculously be all better.  As Princess watched over her brother I went to bed and then woke up every 2 hours to check on him.  At one point, I found him laying in the litter box and another time he was just laying under the dining room table and he looked like he did any other night. In the morning, his condition hadn't changed.  He was no longer panting or crying he was just laying still. Tim and Trent said their tearful goodbyes and I took him to our local vet.  
The vet was pretty certain that it was a blood clot in his heart, the clot then breaks up and travels to the hind legs and cuts off the circulation and it is downhill from there.  It's irreversible.  To confirm her diagnosis she did some x-rays and it showed that it was a clot and that his heart and kidneys were a bit enlarged and his lungs had some fluid, so his body was beginning to shut down.  The vet said that if I wanted I could take him home and he could pass there, but I didn't want Trent to see that.  I was given some time to say my goodbyes and like also he just cuddled up to me and let me talk to him.  When it was time I held my beloved Batman to the end and he passed away peacefully.  I could not have asked for a better experience of letting Batman go. Of course, I was a crying mess, but the staff at the clinic was so compassionate and that made it a tiny bit easier letting him go.  I never wanted him to suffer and I don't think he did.  He knew his Mommy was by his side till the end.    
It was all just so just over 12 hours from when he got the clot he was gone. I just can't believe it.  I go back and forth from thinking is it better that he went fast or would I have wanted it dragged out...I think that it happening quickly was good and there wasn't too much suffering.  Princess isn't sure what to do.  That night she watched over Batman and now I look at her and I swear she has sad eyes.  The vet said that maybe she will become more social...we will see.  
I am going to make a photo album of the cats through the years and had a fun scanning a lot of old pictures and reminiscing about living in Connecticut and the small studio we lived in when we moved back to California. Good times for sure.
When Batman was a kitten there was a lot of crying.  He never had any problem telling me exactly what he wanted.
 It took these two awhile to figure out how not to get fifthly while eating.
 They loved tackling and chasing eachother around the house.  I heard them rough housing at night just a few months ago.  Nutballs!
 Batman hiding under my bed.
 Princess too.
 They loved being next to eachother, whether it was right next to eachother or on top.
 Pretty Princess.
 Batman loved to stretch out.
 My loves.

 The cats becoming adjusted to life in Connecticut...Batman, of course, on top of me.
 This ball of paper provided hours of entertainment for them.
 A favorite spot of theirs on top of the tv.
 Batman getting to know Tim.

 Batman in the laundry basket.
 Princess always hiding.
 Batman wasn't afraid of water and he loved going into the shower.
 Princess loves to be as high as possible.  Batman right next to the tv laying on some clothes.
This time Batman was higher than Princess.
 Batman helping me iron...not!
 It didn't matter what it was they had to lay on it or in it.
 He doesn't really fit in the basket, but that doesn't matter to him.

 Batman in the bucket right before I was going to fill it up with Pine Sol to clean the floor.
Taking a cat nap.
 Batman enjoying his time meeting the trick or treaters in Connecticut. 
 Batman loved when the Christmas tree was up and he could bat at the ornaments.
The fish tank was another fun past time for Batman.  He would bat at the glass when the fish would swim by him.
That can't be comfortable!
Classic Batman long and floppsy...Classic Princess balled up and stiff.
 Where's Batman?

Batman playing the guitar with Tim.
Batman in the pot...seriously he would lay anywhere.
This can't be comfortable, but it must be because he is sound asleep.
As usual, in the most bizarre place.
My two cuties.

Batman checking out what Tim got one year for his birthday.
Batman was glad the gift was out of the box so he could lay in it.
I will miss Batman so much, but I take comfort in all my memories of him and how loving he was.  He was always there to snuggle up to me, which I loved. Every time I walk into the kitchen I will see my Batman laying on the window sill waiting for me.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Moving right along...

We are finishing up week two of school, which has gone pretty well so far.  It seems that they are easing the kids back into the school routine. I thought Trent would have a lot of homework this week, but I was wrong...just a spelling test and bible memory verse. I am ready for the homework to begin and to get back into the swing of school. I know it is just 2nd grade, but let's get the work started.
We were still a bit busy this week. Trent is still taking piano lessons and doing so well learning his songs.  It is just amazing how quickly he picks up learning a song. I never learned how to read music, so anyone that can read music and play an instrument are just so talented and lucky to have that ability.
Tim surprised Trent by picking him up at school on Friday afternoon. Tim had been at a conference since Wednesday, so Trent was so excited to see him. We took a nice afternoon walk with Trent riding his bike around the neighborhood. I am so glad the weather is getting bit cooler.
On Saturday, we have quite the busy day ahead of us. It's opening ceremonies and picture day for soccer. Trent has his second soccer game, then we are off to a birthday party and then a surprise birthday party in the evening...I am already tired just thinking about it.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Soccer time!

Trent had his first soccer game on Saturday.  He is playing in the U8 division this year, which means a bigger field, bigger goals and the use of a goalie.  Trent was excited for his game, but like his first day of school was a bit nervous.  Before we left for the game I had to take a few pictures.  Trent cooperated and even gave me a few cute smiles.
 Trent wanted to show off his cool cobra soccer ball.
 Trent told me that he wanted me to take a 3D picture, so he kicked the ball at me...
Trent's coach giving the boys a pep talk before the start of the game.
 Warming up.
The game begins...
Trent couldn't wear his hat during the game.  He had a bit of a moment when the tears almost started flowing, but he kept it together and went out and hustled after the ball.
 Trent in a sea of red jerseys.
 The boys talking over their game plan...
Trent played goalie the second quarter.  Trent's team was down by at least 4 goals when Trent took over playing goalie.  Trent did great in the goal.  Only 2 balls got by him and he blocked a ball from getting into the goal.  I was so proud of him that he didn't let the goals get him down.  I know the uneasy feeling of playing goalie all too well.
Paying attention to where the ball is on the field.
 Trent's team did a good job defending the goal.
 This is when Trent blocked the ball...goal denied!
Love his rosy cheeks!
 Another pep talk at half time.
 Trent getting in the mix.
Even though in the U8 division they don't keep score...the score was 9-2...Trent's team lost, but thankfully they scored 2 goals and that boasted their confidence.  We are looking forward to a fun season with the Green Blue Lava Bombs!!!