Saturday, August 27, 2011

What a Fun Week!

Week 11:  This week was a bit different than the past 10 weeks of Summer because Trent didn't have summer camp, so he came to work with me in the mornings.  Fun Fun!  Trent was excited to come to work with me, but was counting down the minutes because when I was done with work we would go do something fun.
Trent watched a movie while I worked.  He was such a good boy!
Chuck E Cheese for lunch and games.

We had a great time at Chuck E Cheese.  We shared a cheese pizza and went through 60 tokens. I had fun playing skee ball and winning lots of tickets.  Trent came away with a total of 197 tickets...with his tickets he got lots of...junk!  Who doesn't need a set of glow in the dark fangs? I am not sure what the attraction is to the fangs, but he always gets a set.
After Monday the week went by so quickly.  On Wednesday, we celebrated Trent's 7th birthday.  He wasn't thrilled that he had to go to work with me, but after work we went to In-n-Out for lunch and then saw the Smurfs movie. We celebrated Trent's birthday with family and friends at the local bowling alley.  We invited about 8 of his friends from school and since school hasn't started yet and some of them didn't take summer school, they were all so excited to see eachother.  The bowling party was a hit and I don't think a smile left Trent's face the whole night.
Trent the morning of his 7th birthday!

On Thursday, we celebrated my birthday.  Again, Trent wasn't thrilled about going to work on my birthday, but we had to get some work done before we could have fun.  After work we met my best friend and her 5 month old baby for lunch.  We did a little shopping at Kohl's and came away with these new shoes for Trent.
Check out the teeth on these shoes!
Even better they light up!

These definitely weren't my first choice and we did get some non-light up shoes, but I figured in a year they won't have his size in these shoes (and he will have outgrown wanting light up shoes :(), he is the one wearing them not me and he loves them.
My Mom cooked up a delicious birthday dinner for me. To start with she made my favorite onion dip. Then we had beef brisket, coleslaw, onion rings and mash potatoes. It was all so good. To top it all off she made a very chocolate trifle. The trifle had brownies, whipped cream, fudge and peanut butter cups. Oh my goodness! It was so good. We all went home with a stomach ache though because we were so stuffed. 
Friday was another fun day.  Trent had a playdate with a friend from church at Jump 'n Jammin.  He had a great time.  Then we had the last day of swim lessons for the summer and of course it was diving board Friday.
Kick Trent!

 Trent swimming breaststroke.
Summer is quickly winding down.  We have about a week and a half left before school starts. This weekend we are going to enjoy a staycation at a fancy local hotel. We plan to swim in the pool and just enjoy being away from home, even though we will be about 10 minutes from our house.

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