Friday, August 12, 2011

Post Vacation Blahhhh

Week 9: It is always hard to get back in the swing of things after 9 days of vacation.  While on vacation Trent had a cold and Monday morning I woke up with fun!  I had the cold for a few days, but thankfully started to feel better by the end of the week.
Trent enjoyed going back to school this week.  He had fun in Cooking Camp and made a lot of different dishes.  Through out the week he made pasta salad, banana and strawberry smoothie, enchiladas, pizza, turkey and cheese quesadillas, trail mix, dirt pudding (chocolate pudding, crushed oreos, gummy worms), breadsticks, chicken tacos and fruit kabobs.  Being the picky eater that Trent is the only things that he didn't want to try, but enjoyed helping make was the pasta salad, enchiladas and turkey and cheese quesadillas.  
Trent went back to swim lessons this week and is continuing to get better and building his endurance.  I am still hopeful that he will want to do swim team next summer.  He had another fun Friday on the diving boards.  No cannonballs today, maybe at the last diving board day.

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