Saturday, August 20, 2011

A few more weeks of Summer left.

Week 10:  Trent just has a few more weeks of summer vacation left before he starts 2nd grade.  This week Trent went to soccer camp in the morning at school.  The camp was only for two hours, so it seemed like once I got to work I didn't have much time there before I had to go pick him up.  He enjoyed soccer camp and it was a good refresher for soccer season, which starts in September and Trent's first practice is on the 31st.  Fall will be here before we know it.
We started another two week session of swimming and Trent is still enjoying it.  
Wednesday was a busy day for us. We had a fun playdate at a local swimming pool with some friends. In the evening, we celebrated the upcoming wedding of Satish and Divya.  The celebration included Mehndi, which is when the bride, bridesmaids, relatives and friends get henna on their hands and forearms. The occasion of a Mehndi ceremony is usually one of the most important pre-wedding rituals especially for the bride. It is a fun filled ritual, which is celebrated mainly by the bride's family. I was excited to get henna on my hand, but of course, smeared some of the henna while it was drying, which took about an hour. Each design is unique and the person drawing the henna just draws whatever comes to them at the moment. Often in the bride's henna the name or initials of the groom are hidden within the mehndi pattern. I forgot to take the before picture of the henna while it was drying and before it flaked off, but did take the after picture.

Very cool!
Friday morning started very early for some of us.  Tim went to Satish and Divya's wedding ceremony which was held at 6:00 a.m.  In their religion the time of the wedding ceremony is set by an astrological calendar and August 19th at 6:00 a.m was the right time to have it. They will have their wedding reception Saturday evening, which is going to be a lot of fun. They are expecting 400 hundred people at the reception, I am really looking forward to it.
It was time for Trent to get a haircut, so after soccer camp on Friday we went to see Herb. Sam and Herb are always so complimentary about how nice and smart Trent is. It is so nice to hear.  Trent couldn't decide if he wanted just a trim or a flat top.  He went with the flat top, but I think he wanted more of a buzz cut.  On the ride home he said that he didn't love the haircut, just liked it.  Oh looks cute and he got his lollipop.
We have a busy weekend planned with two birthday parties and a wedding reception.  Next week, the celebrating continues with Trent's birthday and my birthday the following day.  Yay!

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