Sunday, August 14, 2011

Summer Vacation

I didn't grow up taking yearly summer vacations, but have definitely gotten used to taking them since I married Tim.  After we moved back to California after our few years in Connecticut we started taking family vacations each summer.  The summer we came back we traveled to Ireland, Scotland and England.  Since Trent was born we have gone to Maui, Kauai, San Diego, Puerto Vallarta (twice), Cancun and this summer to Cabo San Lucas.  All the vacations have been great.  Maui has always been a favorite of mine, but traveling to Mexico these past 4 years and staying at all-inclusive resorts has been just as good.
We left early Saturday morning from LAX and it was just a little over two hours to Cabo San Lucas.  The short flight was great.  Trent didn't have time to get restless and we still got to enjoy a day in Cabo without feeling like we traveled all day.  We got to the resort, checked in and within an hour we were in the pool relaxing and having some cocktails.  Not bad for our first day of vacation.
I was ready to get to Cabo.
 We made it to Cabo and we are on our way to the Riu Palace. Not sure what is going on with Trent and why he can't smile...the story of my life.
 Gorgeous views!
 Enjoying our first dinner in Cabo at the Mexican restaurant.
 Trent not a happy camper...His coping skills were at an all time low.
On Sunday, we enjoyed our first full day in Cabo.  We had a great time in the pool.  Trent couldn't touch the bottom of the pool, so he loved floating around in his intertube.
 Aunt Debbie enjoying reading in the pool.
 Tim and Cindy.
 Checking out the edge of the pool.  We had a beautiful view of the beach from the pool.
 I was so excited to find colored zinc and Trent thought it was cool to look like a smurf.
 Me and April.
On Sunday evening, Trent, Tim, Cindy, April, Zach and Madison went horseback riding along the beach.  Trent was on the smallest horse, which was tied to the guide, which I was happy about.  Trent was all smiles while on the horse and so was everyone else.
A few pictures before the horseback riding.
 This picture is so typical of me and Tim...Tim saying something ridiculous and me walking away laughing...
The man putting Trent on the horse was so surprised at how heavy he was because he doesn't look like he weighs 60 lbs.
     And they are off... 
 Tim definitely had fun on the horse.
After the horseback riding Tim and I were in the resort show..."The Ideal Couple."  Tim was a bit reluctant to do the show, but I pushed him to do it.  I am not sure what got into me since I am shy and hate being the center of attention, but I thought it would be fun to try something different. And oh boy was it different.  When we were back stage I asked Robbie (the lead entertainer) if the show would be appropriate for our 6 year old and I don't know if something got lost in the translation, but Robbie said it would be appropriate and it turned out it wasn't by any means.  
Before the start of the show.
 Me, April and Debbie.
 Me, April and Zachary
 Cindy and Jeff
 John, Debbie and Cindy
 April and Trent dancing
The first act was ok we were popping balloons inbetween eachother.
 I had to run across the stage and pop the balloon on Tim's lap.
The second act was a bit bizarre, I had to put a poker chip between Tim's buttchecks.  At this point, Cindy is sitting with Trent with a look of horror on her face.  I won't be posting any pictures of the second act because it's a bit weird. 
The third act was switching partners with the four couples and getting a lap dance from someone other than your spouse.  When Cindy figured out what was going on she quickly took Trent and they found something else to do...thank goodness! It was the most awkward thing I have ever been involved in.  The gentleman I got the lap dance from was very nice, but he did take off his shirt and was doing some high kicks over my head, which the audience loved.  Tim did a lap dance for my partner's wife and even though Tim's shirt came off he didn't do the high kicks.  The other men did funny dances too one stood up on the chair facing the woman and was dancing and the crazy Canadian stripped down to his boxers.  
These are the tame pictures of the acts.
The last act was popping balloons again against your partner and it was a bit more risque and the last pop of the balloon had to be with Tim laying down on his back and me jumping on top of him trying to pop the balloon.  Again, a bit much for me.  We didn't end up winning the game, but I guess I can say we had some fun and we tried something new.
We were both so sweaty and hot from being on stage for an hour.
Monday, we enjoyed swimming in the pool and relaxing. 
Tim and I celebrated our 13 year anniversary with a yummy steak dinner, a delicious chocolate cake and some music from the marachais.
On Tuesday, Zachary turned 16 years old.  We had a great time celebrating his birthday.  Trent had us singing "Happy Birthday" 16 times.
Zachary got a chocolate cake at breakfast and hugs from the ladies at the restaurant.
To celebrate Zachary's birthday we went jet skiing and parasailing.  The water was a bit rough for jet skiing, but that didn't stop us.  I rode with April and Tim and Trent rode together.  April was a good driver and didn't go too fast and I drove a bit too, which was fun.  We rode over by Lover's Beach and the cruise ship was in the cove, so that was fun speeding around the big boat.
Cindy and Zachary ready to go speeding around.
 Me and April
 John and Madison 
 Trent ready to get going.
  Debbie and Sylvia

Enjoying the ocean after jetskiing.
The next adventure was parasailing.  April and I went as the photographers as Zachary, Madison, Tim and Trent went up high in the sky.  We spent a long time on the boat waiting for our turn and it was hot in the sun with nothing to shade us.  Zachary and Madison went up first and were all smiles.  Tim and Trent were next and Trent was getting a bit sea sick, but had a great time high in the sky.
Trent taking a rest before his turn.
 Zachary and Madison dipping their feet before they go up.
 High up in the sky.
 Tim and Trent's turn.
 There's a slight smile.
On Wednesday, we did some more relaxing and enjoyed swimming in the pool.  The ocean was really rough and the waves were breaking so far up the shore.  You could feel the spray of the ocean at the pool.  Crazy waves!
 Zachary and Trent doing the "Bernie."  Trent has perfected his Bernie dance and it's awesome.
 And Zachary does a great sprinkler.
 Fun in the pool!
After a yummy dinner at the steakhouse we went horseback riding again.  This time it was my turn to try it.  It was fun, but wearing a dress isn't wise when riding a horse.  Trent had a great time again on the horse and telling it to go faster.
  What a great way to end the evening with a chocolate covered chocolate chip cookie.  Only on vacation or at Grandma's house. 
With just a few more days of vacation left I had to get some shopping done.  April, Zachary and I headed to the marina and mall.  At the marina they had an outdoor type shopping area with so many booths and after awhile all the stuff just started to look the same.  From the marina we went to the mall, which was great because it was air conditioned.  After quite awhile there we let Zachary choose a place to eat for lunch...He picked Johnny Rockets.  I am not a fan of Johnny Rockets because I think they charge way too much for a hamburger, but I will say the cheeseburger that I had never tasted so good and I didn't care how much it cost.  The food at the resort was good, but the cheeseburger I had hit the spot.
Zachary was so done with us shopping.
 Before dinner we tried to get a few nice shots...
 We got a few and then it just goes downhill...
On Friday, the ocean was a bit calmer so we ventured over to Lover's Beach to do some snorkeling.  Unfortunately, Zach got sick from something he ate, so him and Jeff stayed at the resort.  We were set to take a catamaran out to Lover's Beach, but first we would have to board the glass bottom boat taxi, which is always an adventure.  The part of the beach that the resort was on was really unsafe because of the undertow current.  Just a few feet out in the ocean the floor drops off, so the waves just crash really hard into the shore.  The water taxi drivers really have to time it perfectly for people to get on the boat.  The first time I tried it I just launched myself up and over, it was less than graceful.  The second time was a bit better, but still not graceful.  So we all boarded the water taxi and then boarded the catamaran and set off to see Lover's Beach and Divorce Beach, which is on the Pacific Ocean side and where the waves are really high and dangerous.  The view from the catamaran was amazing.  
Enjoying some time by the pool before heading off on the catamaran.
On our way.
Madison and Trent sitting up front with a great view.
 Scott and Fiona 
Once I boarded the catamaran I had to put on the seabands to avoid getting seasick, thankfully they worked.
 Tim relaxing.
Lover's Beach on the Sea of Cortez and just through the part in the rocks on the other side is Divorce Beach and that side is the Pacific Ocean.  The only place in the world where a beach has two different oceans.
 The Gang. 
 Me and John
Heading to the other side and into the Pacific Ocean
Divorce Beach
Once we took the tour around the point we were dropped off to do some snorkeling. This was Trent's first time snorkeling and it took him a few minutes to get the hang off breathing in and out of the snorkel.
 Cindy, Scott and Fiona snorkeling.
 There were a lot of people snorkeling.
 Scott and Fiona 
After snorkeling we jumped off the side of the catamaran.
 Tim and Scott thought it would be a good idea to jump from the roof of the catamaran.
 Me and my cutie.
 Trent was a bit reluctant so I had to throw him off.
We all had a great time snorkeling.
 Some pictures before dinner.
 Aunt Debbie and Trent
 Grandma and Trent
Saturday was our last full day of vacation.  I think it was the hottest day we had had in Cabo since arriving a week prior.  The sun was unrelenting and by the afternoon the pool was so warm, that it wasn't even refreshing to be in.
Madison and I had fun doing handstands.
 Tim playing volleyball.
 Trent lounging around in the intertube. 
 This picture says it all...we had just ordered 10 Malibu and Diet Coke drinks....yum!
 Love his freckles! 
  Beautiful view.
Another try at getting that perfect picture.
We woke up Sunday morning and already we were feeling like our vacation was over.  We had to leave the resort at 10:15 a.m. to get to the airport for a 1:30 p.m. flight, which meant we waited at the airport for quite awhile.  We had another great two hour flight home, but spent about an hour and a half going through customs and immigration.  It was so packed at the airport.  On the way home we stopped at In-n-Out, which tasted so delicious and it was a great way to end our wonderful vacation.
We had a fantastic nine days in Cabo and are so blessed to have the great family we have.

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