Saturday, July 23, 2011

One more week until vacation.

Week 6: Another pretty mellow week for us. This week in summer school Trent took science and drawing.  I wasn't surprised he had picked science because he loves science, but I was surprised that he picked drawing.  Trent isn't known for writing, coloring or drawing neatly, so I was a bit curious to see what would come out of this drawing class.  In the past few months, Trent has started to show more of a willingness to try new things.  There was a long stretch of time when Trent didn't want to try new things and it was so madden because he wouldn't even listen to reason.  Now, he has realized that if he tries something new he might just like it. I think his confidence has grown over the past few months and that has given him what he needed to try new adventures.  I am pretty sure his confidence has stemmed from hiking.  Not a lot of kids his age can hike 19 miles around Catalina Island or up to the top of Mt. Wilson.
So, I was pleasantly surprised to see Trent's first drawing on Monday.  I have to say I was impressed with it.  For one thing, I could tell what it was and it was done pretty neatly for Trent.  I am so glad he went out of his comfort zone this week and took the drawing class.  I am so proud of him!
Trent's first drawing.
On Tuesday, Trent drew Mr. Crabby.
On Wednesday, he drew a cute Panda.
Then we had the happy clowns.
On Friday, he drew some portraits.
A fun thing that Trent looked forward to all week was his playdate with a friend from school.  He couldn't wait to talk and play the Pokeman DS game with his friend for a few hours.  The days leading up to the playdate Trent was planning what they were going to do and some of the things kept changing, but not playing Pokeman.  They played the DS game for awhile, but also got in some lightsaber fighting.  
Trent also had fun with another friend who we took to the Dodger game on Saturday night. Trent wasn't allowed to bring his DS to the game, so they couldn't play Pokeman, but believe me that did not stop them from talking about it for hours.  I think the first hour they were together that's all they talked about. It's like a foreign language to me and Tim, but Trent and his friends sure know a lot about all the strategies that go into playing Pokeman.  It's great to hear Trent and his friends discuss these things they are so passionate about.
Swimming is still going well.  On the car ride to swim lessons this week Trent asked me about swim team and how many laps I would swim at practice.  He asked if I swam 50 laps and I said no, more laps than that.  He said, then 100 laps and I said nope more than that.  I heard him groan from the backseat and then say I don't want to swim that many laps.  I think I have my work cut out for me if I want to get him on a swim team next summer.
Next week Trent is signed up to be in Camp Invention, went will be a lot of fun.  I am sure there will be a lot of cool experiments happening in camp.  Then we are off on vacation the following week.  We can't wait to be relaxing on the beach.

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