Saturday, July 16, 2011

A bit slower...

Week 5:  This week we didn't have too much planned, other than the usual summer school classes and swim lessons.  This week Trent took Playground Games and Math Adventures in Summer School. 
On Monday morning, he told me he was looking forward to Playground Games, but not playing hide and seek because he said he wasn't that good at it because he is so big and can't hide very well.  I kind of chuckled to myself because it's not that he is big, it's because he doesn't pick very good places to hide and doesn't stay quiet.  He did say he liked playing duck duck goose because he runs as fast as a jack rabbit with his tail on fire...pretty funny because that isn't how I would characterize Trent's running ability, but I am glad he thinks he runs fast.
The rest of the week crept by.  On Thursday, we celebrated Cindy's birthday at Fresh Gourmet.  We had a great time celebrating what a wonderful Mom, Mother in-law and Grandma Cindy is.
Friday was the big day for Trent.  He had been looking forward to going off the driving boards all week and the time had finally come.  Trent kept going over and over the order of jumps he was going to do off the high dive.  He was toying with the idea of doing a dive, but remembered two years back that doing a dive off the high dive didn't end so well.  The belly flop he did didn't traumatize him too much because the following summer he was back on the high dive.  He did learn his lesson and opts not to dive off the high dive.
Showing off his muscles before Friday Fun Day.

 Trent making his way to the end of the board.
 Creeping to the end...
There he goes.  He was a bit nervous, but as soon as he came to the surface he said that was fun and he was doing that again.

 He does one of the best torpedoes/float.
 All smiles!
 Finally a cannonball!
After their time was up on the diving boards they went over to their lane and had a relay. Trent did so great.  It is so amazing that in just two weeks he has improved so much.  On the first day of his lesson I didn't think he was going to make it across the pool.  Each day from then on he got better and better.  Maybe taking off his sunshirt has helped his swimming ability too.  I now just lather him up with sunscreen and he loves not having the drag of his sunshirt.  His side breathing has improved and he can swim two laps of the pool with no problem.  

 Trent did get passed, but that's ok because 
he did a great job with his side breathing.
 Resting on the wall and cheering his team on.
I am so proud of him and can't wait to see all that he can do by the summer's end. 

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