Friday, July 1, 2011

Moving right along...

Week 3:  This week felt like it was never going to end.  Maybe it was because I couldn't wait for the three day holiday weekend.  Whatever it was on Wednesday I felt like I had lived a full week in 3 days.  
The academics part of summer school started this week.  Trent took reading and God's Creatures, which is a favorite of Trent's.  He loves the teacher and all the animals they get to learn about, see and touch.
On Monday, in the afternoon we went bowling with Cindy and Madison.  Trent is such a good bowler, he definitely doesn't get that from me.  I was beat by everyone in both games.  I think at one point I got three straight gutter balls.  Trent's competitive side came out a bit during the games.  We had to remind him that it's just for fun and it doesn't matter who wins.  
Tuesday we spent the afternoon at my parents house.  Trent and Jake went with Grandpa to go recycle the water bottles, unfortunately the recycling center had changed the way they recycled the bottles.  Rather than inserting each bottle into the machine (which Trent loves to do) they are now just weighing the bottles.  So, my Dad figured that isn't as fun and they came on home.  Trent and Jake then decided to play in the backyard and had a great time. They both have a great imagination and get along pretty well for the most part.  So, they played so well together for most the afternoon that of course, when we were leaving they were play fighting and one hit the other then the other hit back and someone was left crying. Surprisingly, it wasn't Trent this time.  I told Trent you and Jake always want to play fight, but someone always ends up crying at the end. I am pretty certain that there will be more play fighting between the two of them in the future.
On Wednesday, Trent had a dentist appointment, which for some strange reason he always looks forward to.  At this appointment he wanted to make sure the little speck of a cavity that showed up on the x-ray last time was gone.  The appointment went well, but we need to do better at brushing to keep the plaque away.
Thursday we ventured to Costco for lunch and to get a few things.  Trent was so excited to have a big slice of pizza.  He kept asking me why the slice was so big and maybe they should cut it a different way and so on and so on.  Nutty boy!
Trent enjoying his pizza!

Our trip to Costco was successful and without injury...there are some crazy cart drivers at our Costco.
Thankfully, this week has finally come to an end.  Trent had a fun week at summer school and as always loved his science class, God's Creatures.  We are looking forward to heading up to Lake Arrowhead for the long weekend.

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