Monday, July 11, 2011

Camp Reimers

We didn't get a chance to camp in the backyard last summer, but we brought back the tradition on Saturday by having the Cook family over to camp out. Trent was looking forward to sleeping under the moon and stars.  
The kids loved playing in the treehouse, brushing and petting Freddy, helping Tim start the fire, roasting marshmellows and just running around wild. 
The kids having their dogs, watermelon, chips and juice.
Setting up the "house."

 Freddy loving all the attention and love.
 Getting the fire started for roasting marshmellows.
 Abbey and Trent up in the treehouse. 

 Making smores.
 All set up!
 Cutie pie!
The Dads set up the Cook's huge tent...I wouldn't call it a tent because it could be considered a small house.  We all fit in there very comfortably.  I finally gave in and slept in the tent.  I had been on the fence about sleeping in the tent, but Trent really wanted me too, so of course I did.  
Ready for bed.  The kids told stories before finally falling asleep.

We didn't get much sleep because the kids were up by 6:15 a.m., which is way too early for a Sunday morning.
Enjoying chocolate milk and donuts for breakfast.
 Playing in the treehouse at 7 am, not a usual thing.

 Buzz and Abbey playing around.
 Again, giving Freddy lots of attention.  He was so good with the kids.
We had a very busy weekend with a birthday party, camp over and baptism.  I was exhausted by Sunday evening and couldn't wait to climb into my bed.  Even though I was exhausted by the end of the weekend from all our activities, I am so happy that we have the family and friends we do in our lives.  

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