Friday, July 8, 2011

4th of July

We celebrated the holiday weekend up in Lake Arrowhead.  We haven't been up to the cabin since Thanksgiving, so it was nice to get back up there.  The only thing was it was so HOT!! It was in the upper 80's all weekend.  Of course, it was cooler than it would have been at home, but still it was hot and we are used to the cooler weather up there.
Trent ready to head up the mountain.
We got up there on Saturday afternoon and pretty quickly made our way to the village.  I was excited to see what the outlets had...mainly what sales were going on at Coach.  I came away with a cute new pair of sunglasses.  Of course, there was a purse I had my eye on, but really did I need another purse...Tim would say no, but I always say yes to the purse.  I exercised restraint and just bought the sunglasses.  We enjoyed the rest of Saturday with relaxing on the patio and enjoying a delicious dinner.
On Sunday, we ventured to Lake Gregory to hopefully cool off in the lake.  Jeff, April and their kids had been to Lake Gregory before so we kind of knew what to expect.  I was a little nervous because we were told there is a lot of seaweed (or lake grass), but you can rent a paddle board and hopefully try to avoid the lake grass.  I wasn't sure how Trent was going to handle the lake grass.  He freaked out in Cancun and Puerto Vallarta with the seaweed, so I was betting that he would freak out again.  Maybe it's that Trent is getting older and more mature (which is a good thing, but I am the one freaking out because he is growing up), but he handled the lake grass perfectly, he just tried to avoid it.  No freaking out by Trent, just by me...I will get to that in a moment. 
So, we get situated at the lake and Trent and I rent a paddle board and make our way to shore and everyone is having a great time in the lake.  As I said before Trent is loving playing around in the lake.  All of the sudden someone spots a dead fish.  Seriously!!!  A dead fish is just floating around.  I see it and start to freak out.  I want to get out of the water ASAP, but we are about 10 feet away from the shore where the lake floor is mushy and gross.  I put my flip flops on and touch the lake floor and my flip flops get stuck in the muck.  I start screaming and Tim is trying to get my flip flops and I am trying to avoid the lake floor.  I am inbetween crying and screaming because seriously I am in brown water, where there is a dead fish, a mushy lake floor and I just want to get on dry land.  I am sure everyone including my immediate family is starring at me, but I don't care.  I want to get out.  I kind of compose myself enough to get to shore and get out.  So there I was the one that freaked out and not Trent.  Lucky me!  I am quite sure I will never live that one down.
The rest of the time at Lake Gregory was enjoyable.  Trent and Madison had a great time playing in the lake and on the paddle board.  I am sure it is something that we will do again when we are in Lake Arrowhead.  Hopefully, next time I won't freak out and hopefully there won't be any dead fish floating around (I don't think that is too much to ask for).  
Hanging out in the lake.
 Having fun!
 Lake Gregory
 Enjoying our time together.
 Doesn't everyone hula hoop at the lake??
After the lake Trent and I were both exhausted and were able to take a nap before the fireworks show.
We were all looking forward to the fireworks show over Lake Arrowhead.  We got to our usual spot and waited for the show to begin.

 Me and my boy!
The fireworks show was one of the best we have seen, especially the finale.

On Monday, Tim and John took Madison and Trent to Strawberry Peak lookout to check things out.  There was no hiking involved, just a simple adventure.  They had fun and it was just the little adventure they needed.  While they were out I enjoyed an hour or so of reading, which was just what I needed.

We headed down the mountain around noon.  We were greeted with super hot weather, but it was nice to be home.  We went over to my parents in the evening and enjoyed their air conditioned house and had a yummy dinner.  It was a great way to end a great weekend.

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