Monday, January 10, 2011

A New Year Begins...

We wound down from our Christmas festivities and were looking forward to going out to Oxnard to celebrate the New Year.  Tim's parents very recently bought a beach house in Oxnard.  Tim and Trent had seen the house a month or so before, but I hadn't, so I was looking forward to spending time at the new house.  We made our way out to Oxnard Thursday morning.  Of course, Tim cycled out there, well almost all the way out there.  Trent, Freddy and I (and a few bikes and lots of stuff) made our way on the 101 freeway (not my most favorite freeway since there is no carpool lane) out to Oxnard.  We were greeted with windy and chilly weather, but that was ok since the house was amazing.  Just two days prior the furniture and appliances had been delivered.  The house was awesome and everything looked great.  
We had a fun and relaxing few days.  We took a family bike ride to the beach, played Kinect, did some shutterflying, watch some quality reality tv (Jersey Shore and Real Housewives of Beverly Hills) and just had a good time with family.  We are looking forward to summertime in Oxnard.
The house.

Trent playing Kinect.  He had so much fun.

Look at that face!  He is so expressive.

Determined one minute and very serious the next.

Oxnard Beach

Trent exploring.

Not sure why he likes throwing sand...oh wait he's a boy!

Sisters (in-law)

Ready for a bike ride.

And they are off...

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