Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Another weekend, which meant another family adventure.  This time we went for a bike ride.  On one of Tim's morning bike rides up Highway 39 in Glendora he found what looked to be a paved bike trail that went through a canyon along side a creek.  He did a bit more research and found out that the paved path was about 8 miles long with only about 500 ft. of elevation gain, so not too long of a ride and not too steep.
So, Tim rounded up his parents, his brother and wife and a couple from church and we headed off to the mountains to ride.  Tim and Trent would be riding the tag-along, which is always fun for Trent, but a bit nerve-racking for me.  We get to the path and it was as advertised by Tim, relatively flat, along a creek and in a canyon.  The path was nice and wide, which was good.  We rode along at a nice pace and the weather was perfect.  The sun was out, but it was nice and cool in the canyon.  We passed people who were fishing, others who were just walking along the path and some who were on bikes.  The destination was a dam, just a bit before the dam was a campsite. It was so nice and it had a bathroom, which was even better.  Tim and Trent were all excited because they could do a bike and camp...maybe I would join them too.  At this point, I was tired and asked Tim how much longer until the dam and he said we should be getting close.  So we continued on.  It was only a minute or so from the campsite when I turned the corner, my jaw dropped, I yelled at Tim and I started peddling up this steep hill.  I was so not happy, but I thought to myself come on you can do this is, just take it easy and you can make it to the plateau and be done.  So I peddle, peddle, huff and puff and I look up and see that there is no end of this steep hill in sight.  I get off the bike and walk the rest of the way.  Tim and Trent had gotten off the bike too and were walking.  I hear Tim's Mom yelling behind me about this is ridiculous...my thoughts exactly.  The steep climb was horrible and it seemed like there was no end in sight.  Finally, the end came and I was so thankful and very tired.  We weren't quite at the dam, but we had a gorgeous view of the mountains from the helicopter pad.  The gate to the dam was closed, but Tim's Dad ventured over there and said it was quite disappointing.  We took a quick break and then headed back down the hill and to the starting point.  I thought going down the hill would be fun, but since it was so steep I walked a portion of it.  The last bit I did ride and got some great speed, which lasted quite awhile.  
The ride back was cold and since I didn't listen to Tim when he told me to bring a jacket because it might get cold, I was kicking myself and freezing. During the ride back I rarely had to peddle, which meant that riding out we were riding at a slight incline the whole time (that 500 ft. of elevation gain Tim told us about). It was a gorgeous ride back and would definitely be something I would do again, but we would stop at the campsite and not make that ridiculous climb to the helicopter pad.  I saw the beautiful view from up there and don't have to see it again.
Set to get riding.

The views along the way.

Trent jack balling around...this is what makes me nervous.

The never ending hill. 

I guess the view was worth it.

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