Monday, January 31, 2011

My baby is growing up!

Seriously, this isn't funny, I want time to stop so my baby stops becoming a big boy.  I know it's impossible and I love the person he is growing into, but I also love the stage of life he is in now...minus the selective listening and having to be asked twice to do things.  I really try to cherish every moment of time I have with Trent.  I know life is short and not to take one moment of it for granted.
In the New Year, Tim and I have been working on having Trent try new foods.  Trent is a very picky eater and for years has refused to try new things.  I won't go into detail about the time he tried a peanut butter and jelly sandwich from the Corner's too hard to relive.  A few things Trent hasn't tried (with the exception of the PB&J sandwich) and states adamantly that he doesn't like: peanut butter and jelly, grilled cheese, mac and cheese, bean and cheese burrito, any type of vegetable except carrots, any type of lunch meat sandwich, quesadilla, and the list goes on and on.  Crazy, I know.  So, just in the past few weeks Trent has attempted a few times to try a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with crust and without crust.  He says he doesn't like the jelly, odd!  He will eat peanut butter alone and dip in it some pretzels, which is progress.  Last week, he tried grilled cheese and liked it. I think that's a keeper.
Taking a bite...and he likes it!

Our big shock came when we went to Panera and out of a turkey, ham and roast beef sandwich he picked the roast beef.  I was shocked that he picked the roast beef.  Even more shocking was that he finished the sandwich.  I asked him if I could make that for his lunch for school and he said no.  I guess he doesn't like it that much, but at least he will eat it when we go to Panera, that's good enough for me right now.  I am so proud of Trent for trying to new things.  Our motto to Trent is that he just has to try it and if he doesn't like it, then that's fine, but he can't say he doesn't like it without trying.  It's working for us so far this year.
Another sign that my baby is growing up is that I am finally conceding and letting him sit in the booster seat in the truck.  He has been using a booster seat when my parents or Tim's parents take him somewhere because a booster seat is just so much easier than a big old five point restraint car seat.  He is clearly old enough and weighs enough for a booster seat, but I am just resistant.  I have been resisting because 1) I like him in the middle seat, it feels safer; 2) the middle seat in the truck does not have a shoulder/lap belt, just a lap belt; and 3) I don't want my baby to grow up.  So, reasons 1 and 2 are legitimate, I guess 3 not so much.  On Friday, my Dad picked Trent up from school using the booster seat.  When I picked Trent up from my Dad's I then had the booster seat and the big old car seat in the truck. Trent wanted to sit in the booster seat and not his big old car seat.  I knew why though, the big old car seat is too small for him.  He can barely buckle himself in anymore and he is getting a bit too tall for it. So, I talked myself down from the ledge and told him that he could sit in the booster seat from now on in the truck.  We are donating the big old car seat to the preschool today.  It's the end of an era.  I guess though that we still have him in a big old car seat in Tim's car, but I am sure that one is on it's way out too.

All smiles in his booster seat.

Friday, January 28, 2011


I just love his freckles!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Another weekend, which meant another family adventure.  This time we went for a bike ride.  On one of Tim's morning bike rides up Highway 39 in Glendora he found what looked to be a paved bike trail that went through a canyon along side a creek.  He did a bit more research and found out that the paved path was about 8 miles long with only about 500 ft. of elevation gain, so not too long of a ride and not too steep.
So, Tim rounded up his parents, his brother and wife and a couple from church and we headed off to the mountains to ride.  Tim and Trent would be riding the tag-along, which is always fun for Trent, but a bit nerve-racking for me.  We get to the path and it was as advertised by Tim, relatively flat, along a creek and in a canyon.  The path was nice and wide, which was good.  We rode along at a nice pace and the weather was perfect.  The sun was out, but it was nice and cool in the canyon.  We passed people who were fishing, others who were just walking along the path and some who were on bikes.  The destination was a dam, just a bit before the dam was a campsite. It was so nice and it had a bathroom, which was even better.  Tim and Trent were all excited because they could do a bike and camp...maybe I would join them too.  At this point, I was tired and asked Tim how much longer until the dam and he said we should be getting close.  So we continued on.  It was only a minute or so from the campsite when I turned the corner, my jaw dropped, I yelled at Tim and I started peddling up this steep hill.  I was so not happy, but I thought to myself come on you can do this is, just take it easy and you can make it to the plateau and be done.  So I peddle, peddle, huff and puff and I look up and see that there is no end of this steep hill in sight.  I get off the bike and walk the rest of the way.  Tim and Trent had gotten off the bike too and were walking.  I hear Tim's Mom yelling behind me about this is thoughts exactly.  The steep climb was horrible and it seemed like there was no end in sight.  Finally, the end came and I was so thankful and very tired.  We weren't quite at the dam, but we had a gorgeous view of the mountains from the helicopter pad.  The gate to the dam was closed, but Tim's Dad ventured over there and said it was quite disappointing.  We took a quick break and then headed back down the hill and to the starting point.  I thought going down the hill would be fun, but since it was so steep I walked a portion of it.  The last bit I did ride and got some great speed, which lasted quite awhile.  
The ride back was cold and since I didn't listen to Tim when he told me to bring a jacket because it might get cold, I was kicking myself and freezing. During the ride back I rarely had to peddle, which meant that riding out we were riding at a slight incline the whole time (that 500 ft. of elevation gain Tim told us about). It was a gorgeous ride back and would definitely be something I would do again, but we would stop at the campsite and not make that ridiculous climb to the helicopter pad.  I saw the beautiful view from up there and don't have to see it again.
Set to get riding.

The views along the way.

Trent jack balling around...this is what makes me nervous.

The never ending hill. 

I guess the view was worth it.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Tim and Trent have been going on hikes for at least two years now.  Tim always extends an invitation to me and my usual response is, "Are we hiking up hill and if so the answer is no."  I am not a big fan up walking up hills or hiking when it's hot.  I know, we live in California and it's usually warm here, so more often than not they are going on hikes when it's a little too warm for my liking.  I have been on a few hikes (I think only 2 last year) when it's been overcast out or when we had friends visiting and I didn't really have the option of saying no.  In the new year though, I have already been on two hikes, which I am pretty proud of myself for.  Since I have been working out on my awesome elliptical I feel a bit more fit and want to continue feeling fit, so I am trying to get over my dislike of hiking up hills and in the warm weather.
The first hike of the year was in Eaton Canyon.  I have done this hike before, but I forget about the 10 creek crossings there are.  Tim, of course, didn't remind me of my dislike for this hike because he wanted me to go along.  So, we hiked down into the canyon and I quickly remembered what this hike was all about.  Our destination was a beautiful waterfall, but crossing the creeks with Freddy was not much fun.  We had some new hikers with us, my brother, his girlfriend and his kids.  Todd's older boys hiked up in the front with me and we had a good time.  Todd's youngest son, Jake who is almost 4 years old did a great job crossing the creeks.  He was a bit scared at first, but by the end of the hike was doing great, I think Uncle Tim helped him out a bit.  This hike isn't too strenuous, but maneuvering over the crossings is stressful. What the hike did have going for it was the weather was great.  A bit chilly which was perfect.

First creek crossing...

I just love the looks he gives me.

The gang making their way across the creek.

A great picture of a father helping his son.
We made it to the waterfall.
The 3 T's.

Out of the canyon and just about a mile to go.

We had to hurry because the sun was going down.
Our second hike of the year was up in the mountains behind Sierra Madre. The neighborhood is nestled right up against the mountains, it is gorgeous. We had beautiful views of the San Gabriel Valley and when we hiked down you could see downtown Los Angeles and then the reflection of the sun off the ocean, not too shabby. Again, Tim wasn't too forth coming with details about the terrain of the hike. He said he wasn't too strenuous.  Sure Tim!  We start off going up hill, in the shade, but up hill.  The path was narrow and it was up hill.  I am pretty sure Tim knows my dislike of walking up hill.  Freddy and I took the lead, but soon Freddy got pretty tired and we ended up in middle of our stretched out group.  My brother, his girlfriend, Jake and their crazy dog Keystone came on the hike again.  Since the hiking path was so narrow it was a bit stressful hiking with Jake because being almost 4 he isn't too aware of the need to walk very carefully up the path because the drop off is pretty far down. We all managed to get to the destination, which was a picturesque stream set down in the canyon.  The best part was it was so nice and cool down there.  I took us almost 2 hours to hike to the stream, but only 45 minutes to hike up out of it and back to the car.  The hike back wasn't all that great, hiking down hill can be just as strenuous as hiking up hill.  The only plus was it was cooler out.  I had Freddy who is a dog that has to led the pack and know where everyone is at all times.  He is constantly checking on Tim and Trent.  We were in the back of the group, so he was basically pulling me down the mountain.  Good times!  For all our hard work we treated ourselves to some yummy pizza and almond champagne. The pizza tasted so good and Tim said it's because we earned it.  I am not sure if I buy that because food always tastes good to me earned or not.

Check out Trent's hat with a spinner on top.  Perfect hat for hiking...NOT! During the hike the week prior Trent was complaining about his sun hat rubbing against his neck because of the backpack.  Well, this hike Tim said he could wear a ball cap and this is what he picked out.  Oh well it's not on my head.
Ready, set, let's go!

Great views.

We made it to the creek.

Freddy was so happy to see water, he ran to the water and sat down.
Taking a break.

Can you guess what Trent is doing with this stick?  You are right, it's a gun.
Making our way down the mountain.

The view of downtown Los Angeles.
Still smiling after the hike.  He's a pro at this hiking thing.

I have to say although I complain about the terrain of the hikes and sometimes the weather, I am glad I have been hiking with my family. I have gotten some great pictures and I am glad I am in on the adventures.

Monday, January 10, 2011

A New Year Begins...

We wound down from our Christmas festivities and were looking forward to going out to Oxnard to celebrate the New Year.  Tim's parents very recently bought a beach house in Oxnard.  Tim and Trent had seen the house a month or so before, but I hadn't, so I was looking forward to spending time at the new house.  We made our way out to Oxnard Thursday morning.  Of course, Tim cycled out there, well almost all the way out there.  Trent, Freddy and I (and a few bikes and lots of stuff) made our way on the 101 freeway (not my most favorite freeway since there is no carpool lane) out to Oxnard.  We were greeted with windy and chilly weather, but that was ok since the house was amazing.  Just two days prior the furniture and appliances had been delivered.  The house was awesome and everything looked great.  
We had a fun and relaxing few days.  We took a family bike ride to the beach, played Kinect, did some shutterflying, watch some quality reality tv (Jersey Shore and Real Housewives of Beverly Hills) and just had a good time with family.  We are looking forward to summertime in Oxnard.
The house.

Trent playing Kinect.  He had so much fun.

Look at that face!  He is so expressive.

Determined one minute and very serious the next.

Oxnard Beach

Trent exploring.

Not sure why he likes throwing sand...oh wait he's a boy!

Sisters (in-law)

Ready for a bike ride.

And they are off...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Fun Continues while on Christmas Break

With all the rain we were having in the last two weeks, we bolted out of the house at the first sight of sun.  We spent the day at Kidspace and had so much fun.  I used to take Trent there all the time when he was a toddler. They have a great toddler room where it's a mini indoor playground for toddlers.  They have a rope ladder, a slide, building blocks and a ball pit. Trent loved playing in there.
We hadn't been to Kidspace in about 2 years, so I was a bit nervous about there being age appropriate things for Trent to do.  It did seem that Trent was a bit too old for the activities there, but he still found things to do and have fun.  We had a yummy lunch there and then played some more.  The good thing about Trent being older was he was able to climb to the top of the glass tower by himself.  It's a bit claustrophobic for me, so I was happy that he could do it himself.
We had such a nice day and I enjoyed every minute of it.

Trent being a spider on the spider web.
Making his way up one of the towers.
Trent insisted that I take a picture of him at the top.
Having fun feeding the insects.
Here are a few oldies, but goodies of Trent playing in the toddler room and at the water table.  Good times for sure!
Trent making his way up the robe ladder.
He is making sure he is not missing any of the action.
All smiles!
Such a big boy going down the slide.
Playing at the water table.