Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Trent's Journal...

February 11, 2009
Everyday I tell myself that I have to write in your journal and then another day goes by that I don't write. I need to make a habit of this!
I want to tell you about Christmas 2008. You were so excited about all the holidays. You have come to love everything about Christmas (who doesn't). I think this year is the first year you will have memories of Christmas. You were trying to remember past Christmases and you love to say when I was 3 that happened. I love it! One of the rituals I started when you had your first Christmas was the Advent calendar. We have a Christmas tree that hangs on the hall door and every morning you put a magnet on it and push the star at the top that plays a song. I am at a loss for what the song is at the moment. You love putting the magnets on. You cannot start your day without doing it. Such a creature of habit, just like me.
This year you asked Santa for moon shoes and a pogo stick, oh and a bat cave. We had to reconsider the moon shoes and pogo stick because you just weren't big enough for those yet. So, the list became a bat cave, robe and color changing crab. I was at a lost as to what a color changing crab was. I would ask you and you would tell me you saw the commercial on tv and I should know (or Santa should). Santa Claus brought the bat cave to Great Grandpa and Great Grandma Haase's house on Christmas Eve. You were so excited to get an early delivery from Santa. You were thrilled to show Madison and had to open it up right away.
On Christmas morning Santa surprised you with some great presents. You loved your robe and had to put it on right away. As for the color changing crab, I did my best and Santa brought this color explosion thing that would light up when you colored it and had an ocean scene. It was close, but not quite what you had in mind. Maybe someday you'll show me what the color changing crab is. Another fun gift you got was a drum set from Uncle Jeff and Auntie. It's a mini drum set that you love to bang on.
Our Christmas gifts to you were re-doing the sun room to make it your play room with a tv and dvd player, and Daddy built you the coolest tree house ever. We have the perfect tree and Daddy just had to build it. Once he gets an idea in his head he has to complete it ASAP. We put all your tools up there and you love it. You have told me quite a few times that we can't sell the house because you don't want to leave your tree house. I always assure you, that we aren't going anywhere. Well, more stories on another day. I love you very much!
Our way to count down the days until Christmas.
All smiles!

Dear Santa, I want ...
A special delivery, for a very good boy!
All the goodies Santa brought.
Playing a bit before church on Christmas morning.
The start of the tree house.
Daddy hard at work.
All done!
All smiles on the tree swing.
All smiles climbing up to the tree house.

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