Thursday, August 26, 2010

My Little Boy turns 6 years old

It's the old saying of "Where does the time go?" and I hate saying it, but seriously the past 6 years have flown by way too fast. I can remember like it was yesterday Trent being born and holding him for the first time. Wow, now is he 6 years old and starting 1st grade. Not sure if I am ready for all of this, but I know I don't have a choice.
I told Trent the night before his birthday that he was born at 6:44 a.m. He said to me, so that's when I turn 6 and I said, yes. He then told me that he was going to wake up at 6:30 to make sure he was awake when he turned 6 years old. I told him ok, I will see you in the morning. He didn't wake up at 6:30 a.m. (thankfully) Tim and I had to wake him up and for a few moments he didn't want to wake up, but then I think he remembered that it was his birthday and the day would be all about him (not too much different than any other day).
Trent started the day off at school and when he walked out to the play ground the teachers sang Happy Birthday to him, which he loved! He had a great time at school and for snack to celebrate his birthday had ice cream sandwiches, cookies and juice. Of course, when I picked him up from school he was having fun and didn't want to leave. From school we went to swim lessons, which was good thing because it was about 102 degrees. I wish I could have gotten into the pool. After swim lessons we went to Washington School's playground to celebrate with some friends. Since Trent didn't have a birthday party we needed to celebrate with a few of his close friends. We met up with friends at the playground and had cupcakes and juice. It was still hot outside, but the kids didn't care, they loved playing.
Finally, after a long day we made it home to eat dinner and then have our family over to celebrate some more. We are very blessed to have such a loving and supportive family. My parents, Tim's parents, our siblings, Trent's cousins, my Grandpa and Tim's grandparents all came over to celebrate Trent turning 6 years old. Our families always make the effort to join us whenever we are celebrating something.
The day was finally coming to an end and Trent just wasn't ready to go to bed. He was begging to stay outside and wrestle with his cousin. We finally got him in the house, showered and to bed. When I snuggled with him he told me he had a great day and was so excited for my birthday the next day. That's what I love about Trent, he is always looking forward and is always ready for the next day to come. I am pretty sure he had a smile on his face when he fell asleep.

Wake up Trent, it's your birthday!
Daddy and Batman joining in on the fun of waking Trent up.
Birthday Boy before heading off to school.
Celebrating with friends.
Celebrating with family.
Trent opening his DS from Mommy and Daddy.
An awesome Star Wars quilt made by Grandma Cindy.

1 comment:

  1. So glad he had a good birthday! 6 already? Hard to believe!
