Thursday, August 5, 2010

Puerto Vallarta

Vacation could not have come at a better time. We were all ready to get on that plane and head down south to Puerto Vallarta. We had vacationed in Puerto Vallarta in 2008 and were looking forward to going back. This time we would stay at a different resort, but along the same strip of beach.
We headed to the airport early Friday morning and by 3:00 p.m. local time we were playing in the pool and sipping (or gulping) our drinks. We were a little nervous about the pool situation and if it would be big enough so we wouldn't feel crowded; at the first glance at the pools we knew they would be perfect. The best feature of the big pool was the island (we named it shark island) in the middle. It was great because Trent could swim to it, play around on it and we could feel comfortable with him in the water, as long as he had a PLAN. Shortly after we had gotten into the refreshing pool it started to rain, we didn't care though, rain or shine we were swimming.
For 8 more days we enjoyed the pool, beach, and all the resort had to offer. The resort was all-inclusive, which is the way to go in Mexico. We ordered room service every morning and usually didn't make it down to the beach or pool until 11:00 a.m. It doesn't get much better than that. I am lucky that Trent loves to sleep, so we were able to sleep in most mornings.
The days consisted of hanging out at the beach for a bit and then lounging in the pool the rest of the day. Lunch usually consisted of nachos, fries, hot dogs, pizza, quesadillas and pork tacos, all of which was eaten pool side. The nachos were ridiculous and we would pile so much on them that we named it "the plate of death." I was so tried of eating my the end of the trip. Our dinner options were awesome. There were 4 restaurants to pick from, Chinese, Mexican, Brazilian and Italian. Our favorite was the Chinese restaurant. The sushi was delicious and the fried banana and ice cream for dessert was so yummy.
As we checked into the resort we were pleasantly surprised to learn that with each room came $1,500.00 to spend towards selected excursions and the resort spa. Tim and I hadn't planned to do any excursions because last time we were in Puerto Vallarta we swam with the dolphins and that is usually a once in a lifetime opportunity. We had 6 excursions to pick from and one of them was swimming with the dolphins. Tim and Trent did the dolphin encounter and then me, Tim, Jeff, April, Zachary and Madison swam with a Mama dolphin and her nine month of baby. It was amazing. The cool thing about our experience was the foot push by the dolphin. You don't realize how strong a dolphin is until she is pushing you across the pool by her nose against your foot. An amazing experience. We also took a boat tour along the canal, which was fun. The draw of the canal tour is to see crocodiles. We only saw baby crocs, which was fine with me. I know those Mama crocs were near their babies, but didn't make an appearance, again fine with me.
All in all we had a great vacation. I am already looking forward to our next summer vacation.
The Reimers Clan invade Puerto Vallarta.
Tim and Trent on the balcony off our room.
Jeff and April
The many moves of Trent.
Me and my boy enjoying the pool.
Zachary and Trent on Tim's shoulders.
Madison and Trent
Family picture.
Going swimming after dinner. No sun shirt or cap. Yay!
A beautiful sunset.
My boys!
Trent enjoying reading his Star Wars book in bed. He makes me proud.
Kissing a dolphin.
Fun in the sand.
Swimming in the rain. Tim and Jeff playing with the kids.
John and Cindy
Tim and Trent kayaking.
Sunset pictures.
Last time in the pool before we head home.

1 comment:

  1. Looks lovely! That looks like the place we stayed in Puerto Vallarta last year...I wonder if it is the same place? Glad you had a great vacation!
